Into The Dark

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Descending into the cave the light slowly vanished and before long it was already dark enough that the pair had no other choice but to light a lantern. The darkness eventually grew so dark that other than the light from the lantern nothing else could be seen.

After a few moments passed the pair eventually saw a ugly sight before their eyes, the bodys of those who unknowingly participated in Shalidors caltrop trap plan.

In front of their eyes was a group of kobolds who were most likely the guards for the cave and surprisingly the goblin from outside wasn't part of the group. Seeing the kobolds who passed away without even knowing what happened Febbs felt slightly sorry for them thinking to himself that they never even stood a chance.

After maneuvering around the kobold Shalador and Febbs finally reached the first "room" of the cave. The wall of the cave broke off from the narrow descending tunnel style from earlier and is now is a room with rough stone walls and another tunnel on the other side of the room leading deeper in.

Looking around the room Shalador and Febbs both noticed a few bedrolls lying around a small light emitting from the ground. Walking over towards the light Shalador found that it was some kind of red stone able to emit light. After a few failed attempts at removing the stone from the ground Shalador went on the examine the rest of the room and found something strange.

He noticed that one of the walls in the room was... oddly flat for a cave. Putting is hand against the wall Shalador felt a gross sticky feeling against it. After quickly pulling his hand back in disgust he saw the liquid on the wall seem to smear because of him touching it. Having a odd feeling about the wall Shalador pulled out a bar of soap and took a few steps back before hurling the bar of soap at the wall.

The bar of soap after sticking to the wall for a second before sliding down and taking what turned out to be paint with it. Seeing the now revealed door Shalador grabbed a cloth from his bag and began cleaning the rest of the door until it now mostly looked like an actual door.

Seeing his Shalador suddenly touching a wall then throwing soap against it was not something that Febbs was expecting to happen at all and thus when it did happen he was once again shocked by Shaladors actions. Feeling that he should talk about this Febbs walked over to Shalador who was currently rubbing a wall (with a cloth) and said "Uhhh Shal? What you uh doing there?"

Not even turning to look at him Shalador spoke back "There is a door behind this. It was hidden but if i just... wipe this paint off then we should be able to go through". A few moments of time passed before the door was fully cleaned and was pushed open by the combined efforts of Shalador and Febbs.

When Febbs tried to take a step through the door he felt a hand at his chest, looking over he saw Shalador looking at him with hollow eyes "Did you call me 'Shal' ?"

At this moment a thousand thoughts raced through Febbs' head yet the only words he could put together was "Yes... No... I... Ugh... Maybe"which was just a combinations of all answers

The chilling smile on Shaladors face grew even colder "Oh? Did you or did you not call me Shal?"

Falling to his his knees Febs apologized a few times before eventually swearing not to call him "Shal" again.

Walking through the door and down the narrow tunnel both Shalador and Febbs found it eerily quiet when a sudden noise appeared


"Huh what was that?" Febbs asked confused

Looking around for the source of the sound Shalador didn't notice what it was till it was too

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