Morri And Sho

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By the next morning the voice in their heads began to die down a little but was still there, slightly. Getting out of bed Febbs and Shalador began heading downstairs to see the slightly empty tavern and the bartender from before leaning against the counter.

Already tired of the situation with the bartender Shalador sighed and began heading towards the barteneder ready to order. As he began walking he suddenly felt a hand grasp his robes and throw him back. "Febbs wh-" but before he could finish his entence he noticed that at some point Febbs' eyes turned red.

Blankly staring at Febbs red eyes, Febbs began to take a step forward and then another quicker then that last. By now the bartender noticed Febbs walking towards him and began to unwillingly speak "what? do you want something today too?".

Not responding to him Febbs just continued towards the bartender and when he was a few fet away he pulled out his sword and slashed it out towards the bartender who was caught off guard. The sword leaving a gaping slash wound across the chest of the bartender made him fall to his knees, looking up he saw Febbs standing there opening his mouth and the next thing he knew the entire tavern was set ablaze.

Running outside Shalador watched as the building began to burn and little did he know but his eyes also changed at some point... A moment later Febbs stepped out of the tavern and kind of smiled awkwardly at Shalador.

Knowing they didnt have much time the two began walking away when they heard a sudden scream from behind them. Turning to the scream the pair saw a person engulfed in flames running out of the tavern and falling to the ground, the first to recognize them was Febbs "Meg?"

Running up to her Febbs reached down and touched her body and as he did his hand began to glow. The light coming off his hand was slowly absorbed by Megs body and a few of the burn marks dispersed. Wiping the sweat off himself Febbs stood up and with Shalador began heading to the edge of town.

As they reached the edge of town a small building appeared in front of them. Before they entered they double checked to make sure it was the right building before entering. When they entered the building they et with a fairly normal looking human who was really only selling one thing, a carriage out of town. Giving the man the money needed the two got on a small wooden carriage and began riding out of the town.

-A Week Later-

"So like I was saying just because someone burns down a builder and potentially murdered everyone in it doesnt make them a bad guy"

"No but it doesnt mean they are good either. Oh? I think we are here"

"Really? But the ride was so much fun..."

Stepping out of the carriage the pair said their thanks to the carriage driver and began heading to the next town. The town they went to now was called Erast and was located on the edge of a desert so this was the first time that Febbs or Shalador ever saw this much sand in one place. "You know, its stupid hot here" Febbs said while wiping sweat off.

"But I heard it gets really cold at night"

"If only it was night now then, my god its so hot"

The two continued to walk towards the town and once they reached the edge they were able to see that pretty much all of the building here were made out of some kind of stone. "Hey Febbs you see those building?", hearing the question Febbs looked for a second then nodded "Stone doesn't ignite"


"Anyways, lets see if anyone knows of some kind of ruin or cave nearby"

looking around Shalador began heading up to what seemed to be a mother and son. Putting on his friendliest smile Shalador asked the mother "Um excuse me, I was wondering if you would happen to know if there is any ruins or the like nearby?"

Clearly disgusted by Shalador the woman looked at his with disdain, "No. Nothing like that."

"Oh! Oh! I know! I know! There is that big tower! It looks superrr old!" spoke the child next to the mother

"Do you know where the tower is?" Intrigued Shalador lowered himself to speak better with the child

"Yup, I know"

"Can you tell me?"

"I can! but it will cost you! 2 Gold!"

"... How about 3, 3 bronze instead?"

"Deal!" After finishing the deal the child quickly took the money from Shaladors hand then told him the directions to the tower. As Shalador stood up the child grabbed him and whispered to him "at night the others are going as well! a test of courage" and then walked away with his mother.

Standing up Shalador summed up what he talked abut with the kid to Febbs any they decided to wait till the kids go, that way they wouldn't get lost and could have a guide.

Since they didn't have anything else to do the duo just began walking around admiring the scenery, until everything started to look the same and the heat was to much.

After the sun set the temperature continued to drop to a point where Shalador had to pull out a extra set of clothing before being able to hold on. They kind of realized they didn't know where the kids were meeting so they began looking around and eventually saw the group of kids discussing.

Explaining to the kids that they wanted to visit the tower as well two kids joined the pair on the walk to the tower. During the walk Febbs and Shalador learned that their names were Morri and Sho, brothers.

While walking the two eventually saw a giant tower in front of them and they kind of paused, something in them was shivering in excitement in whatever was in that tower.

Out of nowhere a loud explosion sounded out from behind Febbs and Shalador. Quickly looking at what caused it the duo noticed Sho lying on the ground, missing a head and a giant claw going towards Morri. "No!" Febbs pulled his sword and tried to save the kid but was to late.

After the two kids were no more a small hole appeared in the sand dragging their body's under the sand. After a minute passed and with no sign of the thing coming back Febbs looked at Shalador and kind of sighed and looked towards the tower once more and began walking.

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