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Y/n POV.

I was in my small white room spinning around on a circle to try and kill my boredom while taking in my new white cell. So dull and un-interesting. A single white bed and white sheet and a sink and toilet! Honestly, I would have been happy with of those posters that said hang in there with the little cat in the tree. I've been here for about three days in this cell. No guards have come to take me away for experiments or anything. I think back to how everything started, and a tear comes to my eye and I wipe it off. one month ago, the last good friend I had made a wish. He taught me my entire way of life when my parents wouldn't even try to teach me how to be a person. He was dying and I wasn't there to stop him from getting shot that day. They would only allow family members but to me he was family, so I scaled the side of the hospital and sneaked into his room.

He was hooked up to a bunch of machines and had an oxygen machine keeping him breathing. His family was there, and they invited me over. He looked over and smiled at me as he asked his wife and two kids to step out for a second. They nodded and left. I knelt on his bed and he grabbed my hand. "Y/n....... I can't walk anymore." His eyes teared up as I hugged him tightly tears starting to form in my eyes as well. "Please kiddo unplug me!" My eyes widened at his request. "My family, I don't want to be a burden to them. I sure as hell won't live like this! If I die, then I die how I want to! Just please let me die how I want to!" I take a few seconds. "All I ask of you Y/n is that you don't let my family bury me I want my ashes to be spread from the highest point in the city! Then I want you to sing mad hatter."

Though his request was strange I gladly accepted so long as he was happy with it. I unplugged him and watched the machine flat line. Doctor's rush in and I smash the machine and jump out the window leaving a smiling corpse on the bed. After he was cremated, I broke into the morgue and steal his ashes and to as he told me climbing the tallest building and singing. I watched his ashes fly away and scatter. But that's not the end of my story I forgot to tell part one oops. Meh never mind no one is listening to my thoughts. Which leads me to being here I was arrested for stealing his ashes and climbing the building illegally then I went to jail then beat up some assholes and now I'm stuck here spinning for the last THREE FUCKING DAYS! I spin over and kick the door hard. After about two seconds two guards open the door and come in annoyed.

I stop spinning. "Oh, hello gentlemen care to sit down and talk about why you're angry?" One of them grabs me by the collar and pulls out a pistol and points it at my head. "Well this escalated quickly!" The other one glares at me and says, "all you do is sing and cause noise and make our jobs harder so knock it the fuck off or were going to make you." I give them a Cheshire grin. "If you two don't want to die don't threaten me and don't put a gun in my face!"

I grab the gun out of his hand and turn it on him and he backs up and holds his hands up and the other guard tries to pull his gun but I shoot him in the head and alarms go off and I shoot the other guard. I bend down and search their bodies and find a security card that said level 2 access and two batons and a spare pistol and ammo. OK it's time to leave. As I'm running down the hallway shooting guards a group of them approach me from the front with full body armor and riot shields. "Aw hell here we go!" I charge head first towards them.

Elsewhere in a cafeteria a Semitic man with black hair and cold gray eyes was eating some spaghetti when the alarms started sounding and a voice came on the loudspeakers that a d class was trying to escape and has killed at least eleven guards. As he's eating, he taps his finger on the table. a table he alone sat at because no one else would come near him for he was able a keter class scp who the foundation allowed to roam around so long as he wore an explosive collar around his neck which he moved his hand towards but stopped and put it back down. The guards take notice and watch him closely. The loudspeakers declared that the escaped prisoner has just broken through a heavily armored blockade of guards leaving the death toll at twenty-three. All available units were to intercept and terminate her. This intrigued able as he stood up and walked down towards the hall where the girl was last sighted. The guards alerted their superiors of where he was heading but did not intervene. None of them had a death wish.

Y/n POV.

As I'm running down the hallways some dude with a bunch of weird tattoos stand opposite of me in the hallway. I stop ten feet in front of him. He tilts his head and looks me up and down as if to size me up. "You're the one who's killed so many? You look pathetic!" He says annoyed. I raise an eyebrow. "If you want to talk about pathetic look in a mirror and see a half-naked dude in a rag standing in front of me." He mutters something in some weird language and raises his hand as a sword appears out of know where and he brings it down at lightning speed and I step aside and then do a few back flips to gain some distance. he charges me and I shoot at him once and he defects it somehow so I run up to him full speed surprising him and he swipes at me with his sword sideways and I use my other gun and shoot his hand with the sword in it and he drops it. I reach into the back of my pants and pull out one of the batons and crack him in the knee as hard as I can making him stumble then I grab my other baton and crack him in the jaw and before he can hit me I roll away.

He spits out a tooth into his hand and grins. I'm not sure if this guy is totally human due to the sword thing but one thing is for sure. I got a big grin across my face getting into a fighting stance and so does he. This guy can kill my boredom! we both charge each other, and he raises his fist to strike but I block it with the baton and the baton breaks in half and pain rushes through my arm as I hop backwards. This guy is superhuman in every way. a plan suddenly comes to mind, and I toss the broken baton at him and he slaps it out of the air, and I take off down the hallway.

He gets angry and chases me just as I hoped. I can't outrun him, but I need to time this just right! Just as he was about to grab me I jump to the side and stick out my foot and he trips and slides towards a door and I toss my remaining baton at the door shut button and the door slams shut on top of him. He waves his legs in the air hard trying desperately to get out. I turn around to run but three guards turn up behind me with their guns pointed at me. "d 4583 you are to be taken to a scp by order of o5 to be terminated!" Says one of the guards.

The sound of ripping medal behind me tells me he's getting free or is free and- suddenly I'm picked up and tossed over his shoulder. I am taking this d class with me back to my quarters." He says matter of fact tone of voice. Personally, I'm confused as all hell as he walks past the guards and they all have looks of confusion on their faces. One of them tries to say something and able summons his sword. Wait he could have done that at any time during the fight? he then says, "is there a problem?" The guard shrinks back and says, "well uh she was supposed to be terminated but uh you work to Mr. able sir!" so able is his name? able scoffs and carries me down long corridors and multiple turns. "You're being very submissive unlike earlier d class." He says. "Well I'm currently at a disadvantage and it's better to strike when you have the opportunity then when your defenses won't work." He gives an approving hmm and we continue passing other d class and doctors and guards who all had the same look on their faces, shock and confusion.

Eventually I get bored and try to break the ice. "So, you're able right?" He doesn't answer me as he keeps walking. "Well I'm Y/n." We get to an elevator and he presses a button and step inside then the door closes and we move downwards. After a few minutes we stop, and the doors open to a long corridor.... It looks like it was built to stop a small army what with three guards with big ass guns behind what I assume to be bullet proof glass. The guards look at him as he walks through it and into a room with a big black box. On the floor was a single bed which he tossed me down on. I sit up and glare at him and he just stares at me. OK Y/n weigh your options of what you can say or do then execute. "So.... magic sword huh?" Fucking nailed it I'm the best at conversation. I said sarcastically in my mind.

He nods his head and says, "that was a decent strategy earlier." OK let's see here he carries a big ass sword and kidnapped me and brought me to what I think is his room and he wanted to talk about our fight? "I get it now you were bored like me, weren't you?" I asked thinking I had everything figured out.

".......yes, no one has had the courage to try and escape in a very long time much less get as far as you did." He seems deep in thought for a moment. "Why are you here y/n?" I blink a few times. "Well aren't you rude?" He tilts his head. "Well I mean you never told me why your here or why you have that dumb looking collar around your neck!" It's his turn to blink a few times I doubt he was expecting me to respond like that. He takes a deep breath and explains how he came to be here in the foundation. After a couple of hours of explaining I nod my head. "Wow you've killed a lot of people." He looks me in the eye and says, "it is now your turn." I took a deep breath and exhaled. "OK it all started two months ago."

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