Snacks and Talks.

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"Alright everyone," Ms. Maria called out. The kids were all engaged in various activities. Some kids were playing house, some were drawing, some were making art. Anya and her friends were in the reading area, each with a small pile of books beside them. All three girls were sitting close together, pointing to the pictures that were in the books that they were reading.
"Time to clean up and get ready for snack," Maria said as she clapped her hands together. Anya and her friends, Rachel, a Hispanic American whose family her father had helped when he was taking down Wilson Fisk a few years ago, and Anita. Anita's family came to America when she was just a baby. They came seeking asylum from their country of Ethiopia. Anya was the first friend that the young girl made when she was old enough to enter the school system. Thru Anya, she met Rachel and the trio had been inseparable since then. Each having been to the other girl's house for a play date on more than one occasion.
After they cleaned up their book mess, the girls made their way over to a little round table and pulled out their chairs, sitting down and pushing them back in. Anya placed her hands on her lap while Rachel placed hers on the table and rested her head on top of them. Anita, like Anya, put her hands on her lap. "Don't fall asleep,Rachel," Anya said. Rachel turned her head and looked at her two friends. "I can if I want to!" She said, pretending to close her eyes. "See?"

"You three are weirdos," one of the other kids, a boy named Riley said as he sat down at the table next to him. He rolled his eyes at the three and shook his head.
"You're just jealous that we're more awesome than you are," Rachel said as she openned her eyes and sat up as Ms. Maria brought them juice and animal crackers.
"Why would I be jealous of some girls?" Riley scoffed.
Anya just shook her head, taking a sip of her juice. "Because girls are awesome and can do anything that boys can," Anita said.

"Like what?"
"We can play sports," Anya said. "And I want to help people. Like my Daddy and Uncle Foggy," she said.
"Don't you have to be really smart to be a lawyer?" Riley said, arching an eyebrow.
"Yes," Anya said. She took another sip of her juice. She gulped and looked at Riley the way that Matt looked at someone who he was cross examining in court.
Riley backed off. He turned to his own snack and drink, eating the crackers in silence as two other boys at his table shook their heads.

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