Chapter 2

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I came close to the ground, I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact.

I was waiting, for something to happen, but all I was met with was just a warm, comforting feeling. I open my eyes, only to be met with Rider's

"R- Rider! You saved me!" I said out of joy, hugging him.

"Don't 'Rider' me! What were you thinking? You could have seriously gotten hurt!" he yelled at me.

"I'm sorry, Rider. I'm not too sure of what I was thinking either." I giggled a bit, blushing a light blue.

"Next time you do something like that, I'm not gonna catch you." he said still holding me close to him.

"Ok, I'll be sure not to do that again!" I then noticed Rider was still holding me bridal-style, "O- Oh... Rider...? Could you uh... put me down...?" I said blushing not trying to make things weird.

"Sure, sorry." he put me down so I could stand on my own, "Surprised that you didn't pants me today." he smirked a bit when he said that.

"Oh? I didn't? I'm kinda surprised myself!" I gave him a big smile

Rider looked at the sky, seeing that the sun was setting, "We should be heading home, now. It's getting late." he grabbed his dynamo roller that was leaning on the wall. From there, we headed off to the bus stop.


We finally got to the bus stop and waited. I sat down in the bench while Rider stood up, leaning on a pole. There was an awkward silence between us, so I spoke up.

"So... what do you plan on doing when you go home?" I asked trying to start a conversation Rider.

"Nothing much, I'm just gonna have dinner then do my normal night-time routine before I go to bed." he answers while checking down both ways of the road to see if the bus was coming yet.

"Hm. Well, my grandma might be a bit angry if I don't come home, soon. I don't have a phone either... so I'm kinda in a pickle!" I scratched the back of my head, a bit embarrassed.

"Hm... well, you could borrow my phone if you want." Rider replies handing his phone over to me.

"Oh, thanks, Rider! Your the best!" I smile at him

"Just shut up and call your grandma already, will you?" Rider said unamused.

I giggled a bit "Ok!"

I started dialing in my grandma's phone number, I could feel Rider's eyes watching me as I did so. I called the number, and heard a phone being picked up as a sign that someone answered.

"Hey, grandma! It's me, Goggles!" My grandma answered with a happy 'Hello'. I looked at Rider, he stared back at me. I gave him a small smile, "Hang on, grandma. I need to ask Rider something." I muted myself so I could talk to Rider.

"What is it?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna have a sleepover?" I tilted my head, smiling at him.

"Uh... well... I've never had a sleepover before so... sure?" Rider answered.

"Yay!!! I'll ask my grandma if I can stay over!" I unmuted myself to ask her, "Hey, grandma? Is it ok if I could stay at Rider's for tonight?" I listened to her answer and when she was finished, I replied right away, "Mm-hm!" ... "Ok! Bye!".

I hung up the phone and handed it back to Rider, "So... what's the answer?" Rider looked down at me.

"It's a yes! She said I could stay over for the night! Now all I have to do is go home, Pack some stuff with me and I'm off!" I hoped up and down.

"Alright, whatever you say." Rider said ruffling my tentacles.


I finally got home, I grabbed a bag and started stuffing clothes in for tonight and tomarrow. I saw my diary laying on my desk and decided to bring that too. Rider was waiting outside my door, impatiently tapping his foot. I quickly grabbed my diary, shoved it into the bag, and opened the door.

"Hey, Ridey!" I said happily.

"Tch. Don't call me that." He said grumpily, "Don't make me have second thoughts about this sleep over."

"Ok, ok..." I said following him to the door, "Bye, grandma!" I shouted before leaving.

"Bye bye, darling! I hope you enjoy your sleep over! Don't stay up past midnight!" she shouted back.

"Don't worry, I won't!" I said happily.

Rider turned the door knob and opened the door. Instead of opening it for himself, he held it open for me to walk out. I smiled at him as a thank you and walked out with him following right behind me. We started towards his house, which was only a few blocks away.


We finally arrived at his house, Rider took out his keys and opened the door for me again. I walked in and thanked him. He nodded his head in return. I set my things down near the door while Rider took off his leather jacket then closed the door.

"It was a pretty good day, today! Don't you think?" I ask him.

"Yeah, sure." He answers.

"So what's for dinner?" I say walking past him, exploring a bit.

"Not sure, yet. I'm too tired to really make anything right now. I might just make microwave pizza." He replied yawning.

"Alright." I said going into the living room with Rider following behind me.

I sat down on the couch while Rider got the remote and turned on the television.

"What do you want to watch?" he asked looking over to me.

"I wanna watch Zootopia!" I shouted happily.

He nodded his head and went on Netflix. He searched Zootopia and played the movie. He then walked towards the kitchen to make the microwave pizza for us, and hopefully some popcorn. I sit back and enjoy the movie.


A few moments later Rider comes back with the pizza and popcorn. He sets it on the table and starts eating his boredly. I start eating the pizza too, and within a matter of seconds, I finish it.

"Wow, you eat fast." he says looking over at me.

I chuckle a bit turning my head to him, "Yeah, I guess I do!" I then look back at the television.

I start eating the popcorn soon after the pizza and enjoy the rest of the movie. I then remembered that I still had my diary in my bag and that I wanted to write about my day before I go to bed, so I look over at Rider. He's fast asleep, I take this chance to write in my diary, and get up. I walk over towards the door quietly and grabbed my bag, I pulled out both my pajamas and my diary. I go to the bathroom, change my clothes, and open my diary. I begin writing.

Dear, diary... today was a pretty good day with Rider! I tried to impress him while doing a 1v1 battle with him, but that didn't go too well! Anyways, Rider allowed me to have a sleepover with him tonight! *Yay!!!* I hope that I'm able to do this with him more often. That's all for now!


I close the book and start heading back towards the couch to go to sleep since I didn't know where else to. I lay next to Rider and pull the blanket off the top of the couch to cover and Rider with it. Almost right after I do that, Rider rolls over on top of me, making me unable to move an inch. I sigh and smile a bit, nuzzling into his neck a bit, and falling asleep.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was really fun to write! I will try to be posting at least once every week, and if I dont then yall can spam "Write the next chapter"
J K  P L Z  D O N T .

Word count: 1331 words

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