Chapter 10

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"hope that you're not gone for too long." I said quietly, before holding his hand gently, wishing that I could hold him in my arms right now. It's gonna be alright... right...?

I wake up, lying on my bed. I thought I stayed at the hospital? I just shook it off and got out of bed. It was still dark out, but my clock and phone told me that it was 7 in the morning. Maybe I'm just tired. Yeah, just tired.

I made my way down the steps. As I did, I could hear faint whispering, "Ri.....der...." it sent a shiver down my spine. What was that? I'm probably hearing things.

I had finally made it downstairs. I couldn't see anything. I went to switch on the light, but... nothing was there. My hands wondered around the wall looking for the switch.

I sigh in defeat after being unable to find the switch. I turn around on my heels to go back upstairs but... they disappeared too.

I blindly search around in the dark to find my way out but to no avail.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I say hoping for an answer. Suddenly, I hear whimpering, crying, it sounded so familiar, too.

I followed the sound and before I knew it, I found myself standing right in front of Goggles. On the floor, faced down.

"G- Goggles...?" I reach out to poke him, but instantly shot my hand back due to how cold he was.

I hesitantly roll him over so I could see him and...

"O- oh my cod.... Oh my cod!" My face scrunches up in disgust as I look at him in horror.

His head... it was like someone had hit him in the head with a hammer and he broke like glass! I could clearly see gross things coming out of it, but I wasn't sure what it was.

Suddenly, he started crying, blood running down his cheeks as he sat up, "Why didn't you save me, Rider? Why didn't you stop him?!" He cried out.

All I did was look at him in shock before replying, but I couldn't. I couldn't breath. I tried breathing in but it just made things worse. I could faintly hear Goggles' cries as he was being dragged away by something I couldn't see....

My head shot up as I breathed in and fell into a coughing fit. When I stopped, I looked around. I saw Goggles next to me, my hand still in his, "What am I going to do without you...?" I asked Goggles.

I sigh, letting go of his hand and laying back in my chair, "That sure was a weird dream..." I laughed a bit knowing that it was just a silly nightmare.

Getting up, I saw the nurse coming in and placing a plate of food next to me, "Thanks, I guess..." I said to the nurse. She nodded and left the room. Since when do they give you food? I looked at the plate of food next to me before just shoving it away. I wasn't in the mood for eating food. Oh, that's right. I thought to myself before reaching into my black inky rider to find a small journal, yet big enough to write in. I opened it to reveal only one written on page. It explained how I liked Goggles and how I was going to confess to him soon. I smile gently as I remember Goggles and I kissing for the first time.

I take a pen out of my pocket and open to the next page.

May, 11th
                   A lot has happened, recently. Goggles and I had just got together the day before... next  thing I know, I was almost raped and Goggles was put into a coma. He didn't deserve this, and that's the part that angers me! He did NOTHING wrong to deserve this! Cod, I swear once Goggles wakes up, I'll make sure that nothing happens to him ever again. 


I close the journal after my little rant. I look over to Goggles, his breathing was the only thing making noise in the room other than the heart monitor. It was extremely lonely, and I was honestly getting kind of bored. Maybe I should go see what blue team is up to? Hopefully Bobble and the others are ok, now. I think to myself. I get up from my seat and walk towards the door and opened it. I went to the front desk to tell the women there that I'd be back in a while. 

I left the hospital and got onto my motorbike. I sigh and put my helmet on. I start the engine and the motorbike starts, signaling me to put my biker helmet on and start driving to team blue's house.


I arrived at their house and got off my motorbike. I took off my helmet, placed it on the seat and went to team blue's door. I rang the doorbell and waited before hearing shuffling at the other side of the door. It opened to reveal Specs. He smiled before speaking, "Thanks for coming over, Rider. Uh... by the way, Bobble is up in her room still so try not to disturb her. She's still extremely upset." 

I nodded and said, "Yeah... I bet things for you have been kind of hectic, huh?" 

Specs just gave me a sad smile before his eyes widened of embarrassment, "O- oh... sorry! Come in." Specs said forgetting to let me in.

"That's alright." I say as I walk in through the door. I look around to find Headphones on the couch, hugging a pillow while watching a movie. "Hey Headphones."

She looked over at me, "Huh? Oh! Hi Rider!" she waved politely and smiled. Something was wrong though. Her eyes looked all red and puffy. Was she crying before I came?"

"So how are things? What has Bobble been up to?" I asked curiously.

"She's been up in her room for the last few hours. The only time she's come down stairs is when she-" Headphones was cut off by hearing footsteps coming from the staircase.

"R- Rider...?"


Hello, friendos! Sorry that it took me so long to post this. My friend broke their leg and... yeah... anyways, I tried something a bit different! I was writing the chapter on my phone at first, but then I started writing on my Chromebook! No, this does not mean I'll be writing on it from now on... I was just saying :> hope ya'll enjoyed this chappy uwu

I'm Doing This For You~ Goggles x RiderWhere stories live. Discover now