Chapter 1

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Hayden POV





I raised my hand and attempted to reach for my alarm clock. Once I found it, I struggled to turn it off before just sitting up and pulling the cord out. I sighed and flopped back down onto my bed.

"Well that was fun..." I groaned.

I forced my eyes open and checked my watch before unwillingly getting up to take a shower. I turned on the hot water, stripped of my clothes, and stepped inside. The water was soothing as it dripped down my skin. I applied hair products like shampoo and conditioner. Eventually I had to turn the water off and get dressed. So I turned off the water, took the towel from the hanger, wrapped it around my waist, and walked to my room.

My room was pretty big. The walls were painted a nice dark green. My bed was placed in the center of the room with green covers and white sheets. There was a TV and gaming set up directly across from the bed. I had a polished dark brown wooden cabinet at the left of the bed and two little ones at the sides of my bed. My walk in closet was at the right of the bed and had matching doors to the cabinets. Right before you reach the closet doors there's a desk were I do my school work. There was a rather large window next to the cabinet with a seat at the base of it. There were various books, sketches, paintings, games, and more across the room. I had a grey carpet and a window hanging on the wall.

I combed my hair in front of the mirror hanging over my dresser then I went to my closet and picked out my outfit for the day. Nothing special, just a green sweater, black jeans, black socks, and black converse.

I grabbed my backpack and trudged down the stairs. There was breakfast already prepared at the table and my dad was at the opposite end of it on a phone call. I sat down and took a bite out of my omelet.

"Morning son" My dad said.

"Morning dad" I replied.

"I'll be out of town this week on a business trip. I'll return on Sunday. Gobber will be here. You can go over to your friend's house and I've also added some money to your card. You should be all set for the week" Dad informed me.

"What? And when were you going to tell me?" I questioned.

"I just did. I leave after breakfast. Understood?" He asked.

"Yes..." I sighed.

It wasn't out of the ordinary for him to go on a surprise trip so I guess I'm used to it. He would leave almost every other week. I mean it makes sense though. My dad owns 'Haddock Industries,' a place that makes a bunch of cars and motorcycles. He needed to go to board meetings all the time.

I finished the last of my omelet and put my plate and fork in the sink. I washed my dishes and cleaned my hands before once again grabbing my backpack.

"Bye dad" I said as I walked to the door.

"Bye Hayden" He replied.

I swung the door open and walked outside. The breeze was refreshing on this Monday morning. I closed the door behind me and began to walk to school.

Astrid POV

I woke up to the sun shining and birds chirping outside of my window. I yawned and stretched before grabbing my phone. Glancing at my phone, I checked the time.


Oh no no! (Shoutout to anyone who gets that reference in the next chapter)

I'M LATE!! School starts in 20 minutes!

I bolted out of my bed and ran out of the room into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth. I didn't bother with much makeup because I'm not really into that kind of thing. I applied everything I needed and then ran out of the bathroom.

I entered my bedroom and headed to the closet to pull out an outfit. I went with a denim jean jacket, a plain white shirt, denim jeans that matched my jacket, and white converse.

My room was pretty simple. Light blue walls and a white carpet. A bed with dark blue covers. A closet in the right corner with white doors. A desk, shelves, and a cabinet that were wooden and painted white. Yeah, I liked blue.

I ran out as I pulled my bag over my shoulder and went down the stairs and into the living room. I looked into the kitchen and noticed my mom and a plate of pancakes sitting at the table.

"Morning mom. Those for me?" I asked as I headed to the table.

"Indeed they are" She replied.

At the first taste of the fluffy pancakes I was hooked. I took a bite, after bite, after bite, until I was finished. I then took my plate, fork, and knife and placed it in the sink. I was about to start washing them, when I heard a  repetitive amount of honks from a car outside.

"That would be the twins" I chuckled.

"You best be off then. I've got the dishes for now, but you're doing them tonight" Mom instructed.

"Sounds good. Love you, bye" I called as I ran out the door.

"Love you too!" I heard her yell back.

I closed the door behind me and walked towards the car. I saw Ruffnut greet me from the driver's seat. I went and sat in the back considering that her brother was occupying the front seat.

"Hey Astrid" Ruff greeted.

"Hey Hoff" Tuff greeted.

"Hey guys. Ready for school?" I asked.

"Nope" They both said in unison.

And with that we drove off to start the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2019 ⏰

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