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Chapter One

Lance clicked through various options on Netflix while the rest of the group waited till they saw something that caught their eye. Once Coraline came on screen Keith gasped "oO that one!"
Lance groaned, "what? I don't wanna watch Coralline everyone's seen it like a bazillion times"
"Uh, yeah cause it's a great movie" Keith
"It's creepy..." Hunk added.
Keith presses his opinion more, "that's what makes it great! The way the movie starts off completely normal, like just a boring life but then there this twist that just gets more unsettling as the plot unfolds and—" Lance groaned, "We get it dork!"
Keith glared at Lance. Lance shrugged "What? Hey there's a reason everyone thought you were weird in highschool" Keith groaned "Lance that was like almost three years ago...get over it" Shiro grabbed the remote from Lance "Lets just hurry and find something to watch". Their movie search was quickly interrupted when Lance's phone chimed. Lance picked up his phone and read it before quickly standing "OH! The post mates here! Who wants to help me carry it?". Pidge stood up, "I'll go" she volunteered while following Lance out the room. As they walked down the steps Lance started a conversation, "So Pidge, you're turning 21 soon. Any plans?" Pidge shrugged "We could all go to Vegas like we did for Hunk, and this time I could actually do something." she pouted
Lance laughed, Pidge was the youngest out of the whole group and she always got shit for being last to do everything. Expect graduate highschool, her performance was so incredibly outstanding she graduated a year earlier with Keith, Lance, and Hunk.

Lances laughter faded when he opened the door. No one was there, he looked at the empty doorstep confused, "I don't get it, the app said he should be here—" Lance was cut off when someone pushed their way through the door forcefully. Lance stumbled back and watched as the strange looking man snarled at him before sprinting at him, pushing him to the ground. "Lance!" Pidge yelled as she watched Lance struggling to get the guy off him, "S-Stay back!" Pidge ran up the stairs screaming for help.

Keith was the first to run out of the room with the others following him. Keith froze once he saw what was happening "uh, a little help!" Lance shouted at him, sounding agitated. Keith looked around until his head perked up "The gun.." He said quietly.
"What!?!" Shiro exclaimed. As Keith rushed through the kitchen drawers everyone questioned him, until he pulled out a revolver from one of the drawers. He went over the Lance and aimed the gun at the man on top of Lance.
Frantic screams and shouts could be heard For everyone "Keith don't!—" Shiro shouted. The sound of the gun going off made them all flinch. "Keith what the hell!" Shiro souted at him. Hunk looked away feeling sick. Lance pushed the guy off him, his face and Jacket covered in blood. "Keith...You— you just..." Lance was about to question him but instead, Keith responded to Shiro "look that guy didn't look normal...Something's not right..."
"Well—" Hunk hesitated "—s-should we, call 911?" Hunk asked them, not really knowing what else to say.
"What? No! We're gonna go to jail!" Lance shouted
"But wasn't it self-defense?" Pidge asked, for once sounding unsure of herself.
"No one's going to Jail!" Shiro firmly stated, trying to calm them down. Lance grunted, ignoring Shiros attempt to calm everyone down.
"Well I'm pretty sure there's more Keith could have done before KILLING HIM!" Lance turned to Keith while shouting. Keith looked at Lance "Wha— Me? I just saved your ass!"

In the middle of all the chaos and shouting, they were stopped when almost all their phones all went off at once. An alarming sound, similar to an amber alert. They all checked their phones, with the exception of Shiro who had left his phone upstairs. Their eyes widened and jaws dropped as soon as they read the emergency message that was displayed on their screens. "What? What is it?" Shiro asked as he grabbed Hunk's phone away to see what the alert said. A million thoughts ran through his head as he read the alert,

𝕍𝕠𝕝𝕥𝕣𝕠𝕟 // 𝔸𝕡𝕠𝕔𝕒𝕝𝕪𝕡𝕤𝕖 𝔸𝕌 (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now