𝓥𝓸𝓵𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓷? 𝓦𝓱𝔂 𝓥𝓸𝓵𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓷?

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Chapter Three
Voltron? Why Voltron?

One Month later

"We need a cool group name..." Lance announced as the whole group walked on a single road surrounded by forest.
"Group name?" Shiro questioned him
"Yeah..like..something we could graffiti on a wall and people would fear us."
Keith shrugged "Sounds pointless to me.."
"Yeah why would we want that?" Hunk added "There's already enough to be afraid of now, why should we make more things for innocent people to be afraid of..."
Lance froze for a moment "Well— Uh— I don't know! It's just for fun...besides there's hardly any innocent people anymore"
Pidge narrowed her eyes "That's not true...we're innocent" Lance looked at her and raised his eyebrows. She hesitated for a moment "Yeah okay..." she admitted, thinking back. He looked around and started thinking. "What about...Oh! What about Voltron!"
"Voltron? Why Voltron?" Hunk asked
"Yeah...isn't Voltron the name of some eighties cartoon?" Pidge shrugged
"I don't know, I've heard it from somewhere..."
Pidge stared at him blankly "yeah...The eighties carto—"
before Pidge could continue to playfully harass Lance anymore, Keith spoke "I like it.." He looked over at Lance and smiled. Lance just froze "You do?" Keith nodded.
Lance smiled back hesitantly.
Hunk groaned "How much longer are we gonna be walking for.." he whined.
Shiro stood quite for a minute and looked ahead "Actually it looks like there's a town up ahead..."
They all turned their attention ahead and saw houses.
Pidge sighed "Thank god...I feel like we've been waking for days"


They all walked into one of the abandoned houses in a row, one by one. Lance was in front so he was the first to enter.
"It doesn't look like anyone's been here.." Lance pointed out while kicking a broken picture frame aside. Pidge scoffed "No shit..." Lance ignored her smart ass comment.
"Alright guys split up and search." Shiro commanded. "and be careful."

As they were all searching Hunk and Lance sat in one of them rooms upstairs.
"I have a question" Lance asked
"Hm?" Hunk responded while looking through one of the drawers in the nightstand. "You had the one cousin that was gay right?"
Hunk continued looking through the drawer "Uh yeah, Why?"
"I don't know...just wondering..."
Hunk turned to him and raised an eyebrow "Just wondering about my gay cousin during the apocalypse?"
Lance nodded his head "Yeah, I guess..."
Hunk knew there was something Lance was holding back "Why ask me about being gay? Shiros gay...talk to him..." Lance shook his head "Just— nevermind, forget about it."
Hunk didn't want to be annoying but he was concerned "Lance, talk to me."
"Look Man, I don't—" before Lance could get another word out they heard a loud "Shit!" and a crash downstairs. They both ran downstairs but only got there in time to see the aftermath "What happened?!" Hunk asked Keith, who was wiping blood off his knife. "You know, the usual..."


Shirt spoke to the group "It's getting dark so I think we should stay here for the night"
Lance raised his hand indicating he wanted everyone to listen what he was about to say "Okay but I'm getting one of the actual beds upstairs."
Keith look surprised "Who said you get to sleep on the bed?!"
Lance rolled hid eyes "I don't need your permission, Mullet."
Keith raised his voice "Don't call me that!"
"Why not?!"
"Cause it's annoying just like you!"
"Enough!" Shiro commanded
Keith didn't hate Lance, and that's what he hated. He wanted to hate Lance so much but there was something about him. Lance looked at Keith and sighed angrily, he turned around and started walking upstairs. Keith took a step towards Lance before being stopped by shiro grabbing his arm "Don't make it worse." Keith slightly nodded in agreement.
"Alright," Shiro continued while releasing Keith's arm "Sleep wherever you want and don't be too loud." He looked at Keith one last time before walking away "Be good."

Pidge laughed "Yeah Keith, dad said—"
Before she could continue Keith cut her off sternly, "Shut up."
She was taken back at how serious he sounded "I was just making a joke—"
"Yeah whatever, Just don't keep us up with all your crying tonight" he started walking up the stairs leaving Pidge and Hunk in shock. "Whoah Keith—" He ignored Hunk and continued up the stairs.
Pidge stood quite. Hunk looked down at her, "..You okay?"
She wiped her eyes with the back of her wrist and started setting her backpack on the floor "Yeah...I'm fine."


The next morning Shiro opened the door to the room Keith was sleeping in. He knocked loudly on the door "Keith!"
He jolted awake and looked up at Shiro. "What?" he groggily responded while laying his head back down. "I need you and Pidge to go a little deeper into town to an auto shop. Her and Hunk can fix up a car up if they can find the right parts." Keith yawned as he forced himself to sit up again. "Alright..."
"and....I think you should apologize to Pidge.."

Keith looked up at Shiro immediately remembering and regretting what he said, "Alright...."
Keith watched as Shiro left, he sighed before standing up to put his shoes on. When Keith walked down the stairs he looked around and saw Pidge sitting with Lance and Hunk. He hesitated before walking out the front door and sitting on the front porch. He felt terrible for lashing out the night before, he should understand better then anyone what it's like to lose your family. It didn't take long before Keith heard someone open the door behind him. He turned around and saw Lance, holding a can of sliced peaches "I don't wanna hear it." Keith huffed. Lance stood quite and sat next to Keith, he poked the fork through the peach slice and let the juice drip off into the can before holding it out to Keith.

Keith looked at him a little annoyed but grabbed the fork anyway. He took a bite of the peach slice and handed the fork back the Lance. It was still silent as Lance ate the other half of the peach slice. He swallowed it and finally said something, "You wanna talk about it?"

Keith sighed "I was just upset, I didn't mean to lash out."
"Why'd you lash out? Something bothering you?" Lance asked, reaching the fork into the can again.
"I guess...it's stupid and it shouldn't be bothering me. I mean we literally have hundreds and thousands of deadly monsters coming after us and—" Keith froze, "You don't care...it's fine..." Keith tried to stand up but Lance grabbed Keith wrist, making the form fall into the can. He set down the can and pulled Keith back down. "I care...I care a little too much" he laughed painfully.

Keith, as oblivious as ever, didnt pay attention to that last part. "I mean it's nothing, I'm just worried about useless shit that isn't survival related." Lance opened his mouth as if he was about to speck but Pidge opened the door "Alight lets go..." Pidge walked past the two.
Keith shot up to his feet "wait—"

She turned around "...yeah?"
Keith sighed "I'm...I'm really sorry. I know how it feels to be without family and I was just feeling a bit off last night.
Pidge sighed "I get it. It's hard. The world went to shit and now we're all trying to salvage out mental state. It's cool. Just hurry up, we need to get going." Keith nodded.
Pidge walked a bit ahead to check out the surrounding area. Keith looked over at Lance "Thanks..."
"Of course." Lance stood up and started walking back into the house, taking his peaches with him. "Don't die" Lance joked.
"I'll try"


Sorry you guys had to wait so long
I've just started my own original story that I'm pouring my entire soul into so that's been my main priority :(

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2019 ⏰

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