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Chapter Two

Two months later

Exactly two months after the outbreak, May Twenty-fifth. They buried Adam, Shiro left the engagement ring on him and continued to wear his. No ones brought it up ever since. When you lose someone the way Shiro did, someone you were going to marry. That's pain that never fully goes away.

"Alright, guys whos turn is it to sleep in sleep in the room?" Hunk asked openly. "Pidge, its Pidges turn..."Lance replied with a yawn. Pidge finished her quick sip of water from a fairly large bottle and grabbed her dark green blanket. "Alright then." As she walked into the room she said her goodnights and closed the door. The rest of them returned the goodnight and put out the candles. Hunk laid down on the floor next to Lance. Hunk was a huge cuddler at night and Lance was pretty much the only one that would tolerate Hunks cuddling, they really were best friends.

In the middle of the night Hunk woke up to a scream, he parted himself from Lance and sat up. The scream must've woken Shiro up too because they made eye contact. They heard sobbing coming from the small room. Hunk stood up and walked over to the door of the small room as Shiro followed him, he slowly opened the door. Pidge turned to face Hunk, "Pidge? Pidge are you okay?" she gave him a pleading look and tried to say something in response but nothing came out. Instead, she just continued to cry and shake uncontrollably. Hunk rushed over to the air mattress pulling her into a hug. Hunk motioned for Shiro to go back to bed. Shiro nodded and went back to the main room. "Pidge, What happened" He asked again.
She tried to mumble something through her cries but all Hunk could understand was something about Matt. Hunk stayed in the room with her the rest of the night and tried to calm her down. The next morning when he asked her about it all she said was she had a horribly gruesome dream about Matt and her parents. She explained to him that she was terrified, she hasn't heard a single word from her family since the outbreak and she was starting to lose hope. "I know it's nerve-racking but you can't just give up on them. You just have to believe that they're okay, don't imagine the worst. It's not helping anyone, especially you." Pidge thought about what he said for a moment before hesitantly responding "How—How did it feel when you lost your family..." Hunk bit his inner lip, "It...It wasn't easy. But I believe everything happens for a reason. I mean at least they don't have to suffer by living in the world we live in now. Right?" Pidge nodded. "C'mon Pidge, your family is incredibly strong" Hunk smiled at her "I bet even Bebe could take on a couple walkers." Pidge smiled back and shook her head "No, Bebes such a chicken she'll probably just run away" they both continued to talk and by the end of the conversation Pidge felt a lot better. 


The group would commonly go out of the bunker in pairs, ignorance of what was happening outside could be the death of them so they would go out and get stronger in their fighting skills while also scavenging for supplies. Today it was Keith and Lances turn to go outside, "Come on Shiro! I don't wanna go with mullet over there" Lance tried arguing while gesturing to Keith. "Gee thanks..." Keith said from across the room in a monotone voice. Shiro stopped what he was doing to look at Lance "Why not? You guys need the bonding and you're both great fighters, you'll make a great team!" Lance crossed his arms and huffed. "Lance, stop whining like a baby and just go," Pidge said as she placed down a playing card on the table in front of her causing her opponent, Hunk to groan in defeat. "Shut up Pidge, just focus on your stupid card game!" Pidge just shrugged with a smile knowing her comment would only make Lance angrier. Eventually, Shiro convinced Lance to go and sent them to go scavenging in the nearby area. While taking a break from walking Lance looked over at Keith, he watched at Keith checked the ammo in his gun and slide it back into its holster. Lance was scared, terrified almost. Not because of the deadly state the world was in, he wasn't afraid of that. He wasn't afraid of them, the undead (most of the time), he was afraid of losing everything he had left. His friends...he knew his family was safe. They found out that there were a few safe countries left in the world, Cuba was one of them. He felt relieved when they found that out but also sorrowful. There was no way for his family to know if he was okay, though he tried not to dwell on it too much.

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