Chapter 34 Vol.2

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(Dan's POV)

I was walking in the darkness while holding a lamp, I'm currently inside Mako's head looking for him.

"Mako! "I called out.  After minutes of walking his memories starts to flash.

The memories since the beginning, when they was first born. Until I saw a Brown door. I approached it about to open the door knob.

"I'm useless.. "I heard someone inside. I put my hand on the door knob and twist it,  but I didn't have a key.

"Damn... "I quickly covered my mouth for cursing. I started hearing children's voices.

'Get the key'

'Find the key'

'you'll never  escape until you find the key'

"But where? "I asked looking around till I saw something white that is floating. I approached it slowly,  just to be on my guard.

It was very mesmerising,  I cal feel the warmth as I slowly raise my hand to touch it.

Once I touch it I was suck somewhere.
I opened my eyes and I was met with the sky. It was normal sky,  I sat up rubbing my head,  as I noticed my clothes. "Why am I -"I was cut off.

"Ojisan! Wake up already~! "I looked back and saw a blonde haired with baby blue eyes and behind him was a blue haired and an orange haired.

"E-Eri? "He approached me taking my hand. "Come on~"

I stood up as they ran,  I was confused why I was here,  and why did he call me uncle.

I looked up at the castle,  yes a big castle,  I saw a hazel haired looking at the window.

"Huh? "I approached him as he noticed me. "Ohayo Ojisan. "He bowed down,  his very formal.

"Ohayo,  Tsubasu, what are you looking at? "I asked. He pointed at the window as I looked up, I saw her mother looking depressive at me,  I shivered but didn't show any sign.

"Well let's go to Erenu. "I said taking his small hand. He shook his head saying. "He is with his parents. "He said again with his formal tone,  he jumped down on the chair as he walked away.

I just watched him as he disappeared,  remembering that I have a duty,  to find the key,  but where?

I looked at Eri who is currently teaching  You to talk.  Ren who is giving Yoshiku a piggy back ride,  and Uhyou who is teaching Ruby and Kanan table manners and how to use table etiquette.

'There so formal' I thought and noticed that a certain redhead isn't here. "Hmm.. where's Mako.. "I said to myself.

"His upstairs in his room. "I turned around to be met by Tsubasu. "I thought you left? "

"I just went for a walk.... "He said,  I noticed that his hands has blood. "Hey!  What happened!? "I approached him very worried.

He looked at me emotionless. "I played with the roses. "He said. I clicked my tongue. "Let's get inside so I can treat you. "I said as he looked down then nodded.

I took his small hand as we walked going inside the caslte. I was greeted by a very cold atmosphere. "It's cold isn't it Ojisan. "He said.  I looked at him and nodded.

I called for a maid to bring me a cloth and for disinfectant. "Ojisan.... will I be okay? "

I smiled. "Yes. "His eyes look query as he sighed. The maids arrived then left with a bow. I took the disinfectant and rub it at Tsubasu's hands,  I looked at him as he made this painful looks,  after that,  I wrapped the cloth on his hands. "Be careful next time okay,  those roses outside has very prickly thorns. "I said.

He nodded and went down on the couch going upstairs. But before that I asked. "Hey where's Mako? "

He looked at me with his eerie yet confused look. "I thought you know Ojisan. "

"I forgot. "I lied, he sighed as he spoke. "Last door to the right. "

I nodded then went upstairs too. I searched for the room,  because there are lots room here. Until a Brown door catches my eyes.

It looks the same door form a while ago.  I approached the door and opened it, the cold wind once again blew pass me.

I shivered as I saw Mako beside the window,  looking outside with his emotionless state.

"Ojisan. "I looked at him. "Yes? "

"Why do I feel so useless... so weak.... so.. TIRED. "I gulped at the question as I walked towards him.

"Mako,  you are not weak,  you just feel like it but your not. "I said,  he closed his eyes then faced me before opening his eyes. "Have you found the key Ojisan. "He said.

"Wha-". "I know your looking for the key. "He said.

I sighed and nodded. "Dad has it... "

"Where is it? ". "Feeding the Cerberus. "He said.

I sweatdropped. "I'll come with you. "

I sighed. "Okay. "

He went out of the chair and took my hand leading me to the way. I feel so uncomfortable for some reason.

"Are you uncomfortable? "He asked. I looked at him. "No no! I'm fine,  just... the atmosphere feels cold. "

"Oh.. okay... "He uttered. He stopped infront of a wall. "Is it a hidden door? "I asked.

He nodded as I approached the wall putting my hands on it searching for a secret button.

"Not there Ojisan. "I looked at him as he pointed at the ground where his stepping right now. I saw a door as I mentally slap myself.

I opened the heavy rock as I was greeted by the breath of fire. "Let's go. "

Me and Mako went down and he was at my back riding me.

"Do you want to save me Ojisan? "Mako asked out of the blue, although that is our main goal. "Yes. "I said in a serious tone.

I looked at him as I saw a devilish smile slowly appearing on his face. "There is only one way for you to save me Ojisan. "He said and leaned in my ear to whisper something.

"You. Have. To-"


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