Chapter 13 Vol.2

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Mako took a sip on his coffee as he looked at Leah.

"Alive.... How?"Mako asked.

"From the debris...your father told me to get him..."Leah spoke.

"So....he is really coming?...."

"Yeah, the blood moon knows it."Leah said."Your going to be a king Mako..."she added.

Mako slammed his hands on the table."tsk...I can't..."

"You have to Mako-kun."Leah put her hand on Mako's hand.

"Without a king... everyone down there might create chaos..."

Mako slumped on his seat as he sighed in frustration.



(Honoka's POV)

"I always wonder...."I mumbled as Chiko, Riko and You looked at me."when did Nico and Mako started their relationship.."

"I wanna know either.."Riko said.

"Then let's ask Nico!"You said with a smile.

"Great idea You!"Chiko said.

"Race you to Nico!"You ran as Chiko ran too. I saw Riko rolled her eyes as I giggled.

*Time skip*

"Why do you wanna know?"Nico asked, looking at us with a mischievous grin.

"Eh? Ever since they studied here you've always been close to him."I said.

" where do I start?"Nico asked.

"Very start."we said in unison.

"Fine..once a upon-"

"I can't believe your starting with how your parents made you!"Riko said hiding her blush.

"No I wasn't!.....fine..maybe I was.."Nico crossed her arms. As Chiko and You rose a brow."What?"

"Nothing!"Nico smiled innocently."Okay lets start."


(No one's POV)


Nico can't believe what he just said, but she kept the promise."I won't..."Nico said and gladly hugged back.

They pulled away as they both smiled at each other, Mako rubbed his nape as Nico looks elsewhere."well.....this is awkward..."Mako said.

"I know."Nico giggled as Mako's smile grimaced."Wanna head out of the school?".

"What?! "Nico looked at him surprised.

"I mean, we can ditch our class and go somewhere, how's that sound? "Mako said while playing with his fingers.

"I can't do that! I still need to study and learn!"Nici interjected.

"Says the one that sleeps during class. "Mako said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.

"Okay okay fine! But it's your money okay? "Nico accepted the request as Mako smiled and leaned close to Nico's  face.

"Of course I will. "Nico blushed then looked away, she move Mako slightly as she coughed. ""Are we going or not? "

"Yep. Now hop on. "Mako said as he  kneeled down for Nico to climb. "What? "

"Were gonna take shortcut."Mako said.

"I ain't climbing. "Nico crossed her arms, as Mako sighed, he knitted his brows as he carried Nico bridal style. "Put me down! "Nico gave Mako light punch as Mako jumped down from the rooftop. Nico screamed as Mako landed on the ground then dashed out of the school.

Mako was laughing as Nico cling on him tightly. "Ahhh!! "Nico yelled as the yelling stop when Mako halt. Mako let Nico down as a result Nico's feet become wobbly because of the intense fear.

"What's with you? "Mako said with a rose brow, unexpected Mako earn a karate chop as he groan. "What was that for?! "He exclaimed then looked away.

"That's for jumping down without my permission! "Nico said, as she looked up and saw a fancy restaurant, she immediately blushed then looked at the redhead who was tending his head. "I... is this a-a date?! "Nico asked.

"Uhuh. Now go in. "He said then pushed me inside. "Mr. Nishikino. "A waiter with a white mustache said. "Prepare two tables. "Mako said with a smile.

"Coming right up. "He said then left.

Mako gestured Nico to follow him as she nodded.

*time skip*

"Why don't you try something.. like this."Mako showed her the menu as Nico sighed and said. "Fine.. "

"Okay I'll order this and this oh! and also this. "Mako said with a smile as the waiter took note and left.

The silence was growing as the atmosphere change to cold and warm. Mako smirked seeing Nico looking down blushing.

Mako raised his hand as the guys with musical instrument looked at him.

He snap his fingers as they started to play instrument. "Can't think straight huh? I know what your feeling, Ever since you met me 10 years ago you fell for me. "Mako said.

Nico was shocked yet nervous to say her feelings. "i..uhh..."

"So tell me, are you really depressed because you haven't seen me for 10 years?"

"I umm....uhhh...."

He leaned close as he whispered to her ear."I'll gladly be with you till death, so I can take your soul."Nico's eyes widened as Mako smiled at her.

"Let's eat."He said as the order came, Nico was shocked as she yelled."wait what! Weren't you asking something to me a while ago!?"

"Nico this is a fancy restaurant with fancy people, you have to be proper."Mako said with a confused look.

"And what are you saying soul!?"Nico asked.

"What soul? What are you talking about Nico?"

Nico was dumbfound as she sat down."sorry for my improper behavior, I'll behave next time."she said.

Mako cursed under his breath and smiled."just be polite."


You and Chiko blinked as Riko rose her brow."what?"Nico said.

"That's it?"Riko asked.

"Uh yeah, some others are inappropriate."Nico said.

"Well that's boring.."Chiko scrunched in his seat.

"What? You want to know all of them!? Which are not allowed to you?"Nico asked as Chiko backed away a little from her.

"Okay okay geez, I won't complain again.."Chiko said.

"Oy You wanna run outside?"

Chiko asked You as You was thinking out of something."oy You."Chiko waved his hand infront of You's face.

"Is it because your story is full of sex?"You asked out of the blue, Chiko got confused as Riko jaw dropped.

Nico was speechless until she heard someone coughed behind them.

"Oh my~ Nicochi has a pretty bold story aye~"they turned around and saw a purple haired with green eyes beside her was a blonde haired with blue eyes.

"Shit..."Nico mumbled.


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