Chapter 12.5: 2 Year Training

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Warning, this chapter won't have any talking as it just Izuku training for two years with the wolves. The next chapter will be very interesting, trust me. ~ Raorik

Izuku was the training nearly everyday, the wolves joined as they watched the young turn into a second alpha just like Kai. Izuku didn't want the alpha title, Kai want and deserved the title.

Izuku trained with his hollow mask constantly on, it had begun to change every once in a while, it had lines running down from the mouth and running up from the eyes. Izuku fighting changed over time to a barbaric way of fighting, exploting weaknesses. He could don his mask indefinitely.

A year has passed as Izuku was much stronger than before. His whole body was different. He now has an eight pack, his mask looked different

 He now has an eight pack, his mask looked different

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It felt heavier than before. Haze had slept through everything that happened over the year as he didn't care. He would only come out to let Izuku rest from training. Haze's link with Izuku had become stronger as Izuku trained with the hollow mask. Kai had also begun to train his quirk of wolf transformation and also learnt how to fight CQC with Izuku.

2 years later

It had been 2 years since Izuku had joined his new family. Izuku was second in command, while Kai was the alpha of the pack. Kai had mastered his quirk and knew CQC. He could freely change from his human form to wolf form in seconds. Unfortunately, Izuku wanted to go back into human society. Not to go back to U.A but become what Stain is but better. Kill Villains, rescue citizens and become a vigilante. He offered Kai and the wolves to come with him but they declined. Izuku understood but touched Kai's forehead and placed an invisible marker on him thanks to Haze. Izuku could teleport to Kai at any time he wanted to. As Izuku left, he thanked them for taking him into the pack. The wolves had tears rolling down there faces as they watched their brother dissapeared in thin air. Kai knew he comeback but he was also crying. Izuku was a brother to him. As Kai and the wolves went back to the cave, they saw tons of food ready to cook and eat for days.

With Izuku in the city
It had been a few months since he came back and he had made a name for himself, Vigilante: Wolfbane. He also had a bounty of 1.5 million yen. He had kept hidden in the shadows with his mask always on. He missed Kai and the wolves but he had a job to do first.

Thank you for reading this chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

I will be uploading my schedule for this story and my second one tomorrow on both this story and the second one as an author's note.

This has been your author Raorik

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