Eyes Open, Refocus.

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Hola Readers! Yes It's been a while since I last updated. My apologies. Anyway, thanks for sticking by my book. I'll update more often I promise!


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"So you found her?" Anthony grinned, his smile simply pure evil. "Yes sir." D-Mac replied with pride laced in his voice. See Anthony was never the crazy type. In his mind, everything He was doing & been doing was justified. He felt that Jalia betrayed him as a wife. And with that betrayal came consequences beyond normal measure.

"Where is she?" Anthony asked. "Avondale County Hospital in NYC." D-Mac replied, tucking a blunt in between his lips as He prepared to light it. "She flew all the way to fucking NYC!?" Anthony yelled. He was beyond pissed off. So much anger coursed through his veins. "Yeah man, she's in the hospital. I overheard the doctors talking about a miscarriage or something like that." D-Mac trailed off.

Anthony froze in his tracks.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Anthony turned to face him. "She had a miscarriage bro.." He said again, avoiding his cold gray stare. "She lost my baby...IMMA FUCKING KILL HER! IT'S ALL HER FAULT!" Anthony roared, slamming his hand on the glass table to showcase his anger. "Ahem excuse me boss, not to butt in on your business or anything but don't you think it would be more so YOUR fault that she lost the baby? I mean you did kinda beat her ass every-" "YOU MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS." Anthony countered, mad that D-Mac wasn't taking his side. "It's alright though." Anthony smiled with a crazed look in his eyes. "It's alright." He was so distraught that He knew only one thing would ease his mind. His cocaine. One sniff would make it all better. As He sniffed the drug, He stumbled his way over to his cell phone that was sitting on the kitchen counter. He dialed a number shakily, his hands trembling from the drug pulsating through his veins.

"City Airport, How may I help you?" A woman answered politely. "Yeah, let me get 2 tickets to New York City. First Class please." Anthony smiled a devilish grin so sinister that anyone that would even look his way would begin to shiver.

They were coming to get her & she didn't even know it.

Jalia . . . .

Once again, I was swimming around in that same pool of darkness that I was before. I couldn't really free myself from it. I was trapped if you must say. However, this time I vividly remember how I got there. I had had a miscarriage. I lost the most precious thing to me in this entire world. It was all Anthony's fault! He kept fucking beating me everyday like some damn punching bag & now because of him I lost my first child. I was beyond enraged. But losing my baby was kind of bitter sweet. Don't get me wrong, I loved & still love my unborn child unconditionally. But I really didn't want to have a baby by HIM. That would only make it harder for me to stay away from him. One thing about Anthony is he is VERY persistent. And when he doesn't get his way, things turn sour. That's really how I ended up here now anyway. I really needed to get my eyes open & refocus. As I struggled to lift my heavy eyelids, my hearing clicked back in. I could hear the steady beating of my heart on the heart monitor.

Okay, you're almost there Jay, I thought. I twitched my hands a little, then a little turned into a lot as I lifted my arm. I snapped my eyes open as I began to take in my surroundings. I looked to my bedside & saw Donte'. Not once had he never left my side. I smiled softly as I called his name. "Donte'." I croaked out, my throat dry from all the medicine I had been recieving. Donte' looked up with swollen, red puff eyes that were filled with too many emotions to count. "Jay?" He smiled his signature grin that always seemed to make me melt. "I remember what happened this time.." I mumbled, tears threatening to shoot out of my tired eyes. "Jay you had panic attack when you found out about the miscarriage..It then lead you to have a seizure." Donte' said. I didn't say anything because I was honestly at a loss for words. "You mind explaining the whole story to me?" Donte' strained. "Because it's honestly killing me right now." I looked down to my hands, twiddling my thumbs as I prepared to tell Donte' what would probably set his temper all the way off. "Well, I was pregnant with Anthony's child after he raped me countless times without I condom," I began. "And well, when he would beat me, he wouldn't hold back. He would kick me in my stomach repeatedly with no remorse." I kept going, even as tears flowed down my cheeks. "Long story short, he's the cause of my miscarriage." I finished quickly, not wanting to end up breaking down. Donte' had a look of pure rage on his face. "WHAT THE FUCK!" He roared, throwing his chair across the room in the process. "Tae calm down!" I pleaded. He was going to end up doing something drastic if he was this mad. "MAN NO JAY FUCK THAT!" He yelled. "HE PUT HIS HANDS ON YOU! HAS HE LOST HIS MIND!?" He paced the room back & forth as a nurse stuck her head in the room. "Everything okay in her- Oh you're awake! Good!" She said cheerily. I cracked a small smile as she came over to check my vitals. "Mrs. Thomas, everything looks okay. Even after your anxiety attack, you pulled through." She smiled once again. All the while, Donte' sat in the hospital window with his fist balled up & his veins showing in his neck. "I Don't mean to intrude but is he okay?" The nurse asked nervously. "Yes he's fine.." I sighed. She glanced at him one last time before returning her attention back to me. "Well because you're awake, Dr. Black will be in here shortly to talk to you." She said, before turning on her heels & walking out. "Donte' you can't be scaring these white ladies." I giggled softly. He turned to me finally, laughing a little. "I'm sorry Jay but I can't believe that bastard did that shit to you." He growled, returning to his former state. He plopped back down in his seat, pouting like a baby. "Tae Don't be mad. I'm okay, look at me!" I said, trying to sound happy even though my raspy voice didn't allow it. "Jay look at you..you're not okay." He sighed. "You're in a hospital bed man! That shit ain't okay." I just sat there listening to him vent. "I should've been there to protect you! I promised I would in 4th grade & I failed. I failed you Jay...It's all my fault." He said softly. I couldn't believe he blamed himself for what happened to me. "Donte' you listen to me." I snapped. "It is not your fault that I'm in here! What could you have done if I was all they way in another state?! Nothing! Do NOT blame yourself. I understand that you wanted to protect me but there isn't much you could do in another state." I mumbled. He reached up to stroke my hair. "I know Jay...I just can't help it." He said softly, gazing in my eyes. I looked at him as I looked down at his plump lips. He leaned in as I got ready to meet him halfway when the door to my hospital door opened. "Hello Ms. Jalia- Oh I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Dr. Black smirked. "You damn right you were." Donte' growled lowly as I jabbed him in his rib. "No you weren't doctor come on in." I smiled. He sauntered over to my bed. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Good. It's just that my mouth & throat are really dry." I croaked out. "Okay, I'll make sure they bring you a nice cup of cold water." He replied. I nodded my thanks as he continued with my evaluation. "Well other than that, all looks well." He looked over my paperwork one last time. "Looks like you can go home tomorrow evening my dear!" He said cheerily. I smiled at him. "Thank you Dr. Black. For everything." I cheered. "You're welcome. I'll have them bring your water up too." He smiled one last time before walking out the door. I'm going home in tomorrow, I thought smiling to myself.

Little did I know, someone would be on their way here within the next couple of hours..

That's it & stuff.

Vote & stuff.

Thanks for reading.

Until next time..


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