The Storm Isn't Over Part 2

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Uh oh, guess what day it is?! UPDAAAAAAAYTE! No? Okay. Anyway..

Enjoy mi jositos. . .

Dante'. . . .

It seemed like hours had passed as I sat in the dreary waiting room of the Avondale County Hospital. My eyes were bloodshot red & tired. I still had on my suit from earlier in the day when I had left from work. Glancing at the clock, I noticed that it was 8:35 in the evening. I had been sitting out here for about 5 hours & still no one had updated me on Jalia's condition. I was beyond worried. What happened to her that was so bad that she had to get an emergency operation? I wore myself out trying to figure out all the possible answers to what the hell was going on.

A few more minutes passed until I finally saw a middle aged man walking speedily down the hallway in light blue scrubs. "Jalia Thomas?" He called out to the waiting room. I immediately jumped to my feet after long awaiting to hear her current state. He walked over to me after seeing my frazzled state. "Hi I'm Dr. Black, are you the family of Ms. Jalia Thomas?" He asked. "Yes, I'm her bestfriend. Is she okay man?" I questioned frantically. "Yes she's stable. She began hemorrhaging because she has a disease where her blood is very thin which causes her to lose more than the average person." He stated. I let out a shaky breath that it seemed like I had been holding in the whole time I had been here. However, I saw Dr. Black's expression change into one of sorrow. "Unfortunately, Ms. Thomas had a miscarriage..." He trailed off.

I froze.

Wait a minute, she was pregnant!?

What the hell... My thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Black. "The baby wasn't too far off. About 2 months old." He started hesitantly. "She lost it due to stress & too much stomach pressure.." He gazed at me questioningly before continuing. "Is anything going on with Jalia at home?" He looked at me with cautious eyes, as if accusing me of something I had no control over. "No man." I retorted back angrily. "I don't have a clue as to what happened man." I said, running a hand through my curly hair. "But if I had to guess, I'd say it would have something to do with her husband Anthony." I spat, anger dripping off my tongue with the mention of his name. Dr. Black's eyes widened. "Really? Maybe you should go in & talk to her. She's not awake yet but she should be in about 10 more minutes. Her anesthesia hasn't completely worn off yet." He responded in a caring voice. "Thanks man." I said while shaking his hand. He gave me an apologetic look before allowing me to go back & see Jay.

Jalia. . . .

I felt so..trapped. For some reason, I couldn't grip back onto reality. What had happened to me? I found myself swallowed into darkness as I heard the slow but audible rhythm of my heart beat on the heart monitor. I couldn't bring myself to wake up though. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of darkness. Somehow, I felt that I was trapped inside a mental prison as to where only I had the key to set my self free.

What I wanted to know was what happened to me. I remember calling Dante' before passing out. But why did I pass out? I had so many unanswered questions that I needed to figure out.

Suddenly, I slowly felt my senses coming back. I twitched my hand once, feeling it enclosed by a much larger one. I opened my eyes tiredly, letting my gaze wander to my bedside. I saw Dante' with his head in one hand while his other one tenderly held mine.

"Tae?" I said raspily. I didn't have much of a voice. At the sound of his name, he shot up quickly to meet my eyes. "Jalia!? Thank God." He breathed, letting out a long overdue breath. He looked so stressed. His eyes were drooping & very red. "Dante' what happened to me?" I asked. "I should be asking you the same question Jay.." He looked at me carefully. Suddenly, it seemed as if all my memories came flooding back at once.

"Wait a minute..." I murmured. I felt my heart rate start to.increase & so did my breathing. "MY BABY!" I screeched. I lost it. "NO, NO, NO! WHERE'S MY BABY. DON'T TELL ME I LOST MY BABY!" I screamed, tears rushing down my cheeks. My heart rate continued to excelerate with each outburst that I yelled. "JAY CALM DOWN!" I heard Dante' yell but I wasn't listening. All I could think about was my baby.

Dante'. . . .

"JAY CALM DOWN!" I yelled. She wasn't listening. She just continued to scream things incoherently & it was having an affect on her heartbeat. That's when something happened that scared the HELL out of me. She stopped screaming, then started to shake uncontrollably. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head; to the point where all you could see was the.white of her eyes.

"OH GOD. JALIA! HELP SOMEBODY HELP!" I screamed loud enough for anybody to hear. Two nurses rushed in as their eyes widened in horror. "Jesus Christ, she's having a seizure! Nancy get Dr. Black immediately!" The nurse yelled to the other nurse whom I assumed was Nancy. Her face was pale as she sprinted out the room. "What's happening to her!?" I screamed. "Sir, we need you to step out." The nurse said calmly. All the while, I watched as Jalia still shook. "NO! TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON GODDAMN IT!" I yelled in rage. "Sir we need you to step out." I turned to see Dr. Black rushing in to aid Jalia. "But-" I started. "SIR! Please." The nurse said again. They pushed me out of the room as I watched Jalia stop shaking & lie deathly still. They shut the door as I slumped on the floor, a million questions running through my head. I felt another tear drop down my cheeks as I felt the thought of losing my Bestfriend creep in.

God please, I silently prayed.


. . .

He watched all of the commotion unfold right outside the window of the hospital. They should really invest in shades. He chuckled darkly, taking a sip from his grey goose. Boss would be pleased that he had found her. He just had wait for the right moment to strike.

This one was smart. She actually outran the boss, which is very rare. But of course she didn't get very far. That's okay though. Because what she was getting before, was nothing compared to what she was gonna get.

Hold tight baby..I'm coming. He laughed sinsterly as he rode off into the night.

If only she knew..

That's it & stuff.

Vote & stuff.

I missed y'all btw.


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