Chapter 1

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After class, Adrien had decided to walk home. Marinette had a rough day and wanted to get some fresh air. She transformed and leaped to the Eiffel tower. She had passed adrien and he noticed her. Adrien softly smiles and transforms following behind her. As Ladybug sighed and looked over Paris, Chat had landed beside her looking at her for a moment before speaking up.

“You okay, M’Lady?”

Ladybug gasped and jumped a little “Chat!” She then gave that heartfelt smile that drove Chat crazy. “Y-yeah…I'm alright.”

“I’m sorry I scared you..Um….Why are you here anyway?”

“I could ask you the same thing.” She says with a faint smile. Her smile slowly faded as she saw Chat was serious and his eyes were full of worry.

Ladybug looks down “Sorry..” She says softly then sighs. “M-maybe my day just didn’t exactly go as planned..”

“Oh...well I can go if you want me to..If you want some time to yourself.”

“N-no!..Uh..I..I mean no..I uh..i’m actually glad to see you.” She sighs and sits down looking around Paris “I just...I embarrassed myself in front of my crush...again..”

A faint blush rose on Chat’s cheeks as he sits next to her “Who..Who’s your crush?”

“I-I can’t say..” She looks down “But I guess it’s time to give up..He never notices me anyway..”

“I’m sure he notices you...Why don't you talk to him? Maybe he likes you too.”

“I try...But everytime I see him I begin to stutter and I feel like fainting. Everyone loves him for his fame but...That’s not even the reason I fell for him….He’s smart, intelligent, sweet, kind, caring, loving..” She looks over Paris again “Who am I kidding..? He doesn’t even see me..In fact he sees right through me for that matter.”

Chat tilts his head a little and sits next to her. “Ladybug..You are more than you think. You’re amazing both with and without the mask, inside and out...You have a strong spirit. Whoever he is, he’s just a jerk. I believe in you. And whoever wouldn’t want to be with you is just insane.”

Ladybug looked up at him as her eyes glistened in the moonlight. Chat gave her a soft smile..Not that goofy smile shes always known him for. But a heartfelt grin that made her numb for just a moment.

Ladybug let a small smile curl into her cheeks as she looked into his bright emerald green eyes. After a few seconds she rests her head on his shoulder ‘I’ve never seen this side of Chat before...I..I kinda like it…’ She thought as she felt Chat shift a little.

Chat’s smile grew and he wrapped an arm around ladybug “I just don’t want to see you hurt.” He says softly.

“I..I better get going.” Ladybug slowly stood up “I’ll see you around.”

Chat nods with his signature grin...Now that's the Kitty she knows. “Of course Bugaboo.”

She smiles then grabs her yo-yo and leaps away.

She landed in her room and detransformed. Marinette let out a huff and laid down staring at the ceiling. “Chat Noir’s right Tikki...I'm gonna confess to Adrien..”


Hey guys I'm sorry this isn't the best and it's kinda short. They'll begin to expand and become more detailed later on in the story. I hope the first chapter was alright! The story plot and base will be credited to KandyKate.

Give her a follow! Her stories are amazing! Mine aren't as great as hers but I've gotten quite a bit of inspiration for this fanfiction and a few others I'm working on. Hope y'all enjoy!

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