Chapter 17

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Please don't be shy about leaving feedback or comments, I'd love to know how you all are liking the story. Thanks!

P.S. For anyone who is squeamish about sex scenes, just assume there will be more in the coming chapters. I hope that doesn't deter readers from continuing, and instead, you just read around the parts that make you uncomfortable.

The incessant ringing of a telephone worked its way into my subconscious and then conscious as I slowly woke hours later. For a moment, I didn't want to wake, afraid that the night before had been a dream, an illusion brought on by too many years of loneliness and suppressed desires. I became aware then of a body pressed against mine...a naked body pressed against mine. Holy shit, it had really happened! Jamie and I had made love....and he told me he loved me. 

Holy shit...he loves me!

The phone was still ringing.

"Tell whoever it is to fuck off," a gruff voice spoke near my ear. "Actually, don't answer it. I don't wanna share you with anyone right now."

Whoever was calling must have given up as the room went quiet. I opened my eyes sleepily, only to be met with Jamie's warm gaze. I stared at him in wonder for a few moments.

"Hi," I finally whispered shyly.

He gave me a crooked smile while gently sweeping a few strands of hair from my eye.

"Hi." His voice was deep and already heavy with desire as he watched me.

"Yer really here Jamie? I'm not dreamin' right?"

"It'd be the best dream I've ever had if it was." The want in his eyes burned into me. "It's better than a dream though Lei. So much better than a fuckin' dream."

He rolled me onto my back as his lips settled over mine, one hand finding its way to my breasts as he kissed me deeply. I was moaning into his mouth when the phone rang again.

"For fucks sake!" Jamie swore as he pulled back slightly, already his breath coming in pants as he hovered over me.

Silently cursing whoever was on the other end of the phone, blindly, I reached for it on my bedside. Grabbing the handset, I brought it to my ear while James and I stared at each other.

"What?" I barely got out, my eyes widening in pleasure as Jamie's hand reached back to continue caressing my breasts.

"Uh Leila? Hey, it's Lars. Sorry to call you like this..." I could almost see the embarrassment on the drummer's face and he wasn't prone to discomfort. 

James was nuzzling and licking at my breasts now, and it was almost impossible to keep my voice steady. "Uh huh. W...what's up?"

"Is James there? I gotta talk to him. It's kinda important."

I was trying to keep from breathing too hard, but my breasts were being caressed and fondled, and I'd discovered in the last twelve hours that that they were highly sensitive to Jamie's touch.

"Uh huh...let me g...get him."

Sighing, James reluctantly took the phone from me. "Yeah?" He sounded as frustrated as I felt.

"Holy shit dude, are you fuckin' her right now?" I could hear Lars' loud voice asking eagerly on the other end of the line.

"None of yer damn business! What's so fuckin' urgent that it can't wait till later?"

Lars' voice quieted to a murmur as Jamie listened, so I decided to do some distracting of my own. Slowly, I let my fingers wander as I reacquainted myself with his body since hours earlier. I knew it was still novel being able to touch him freely, but I didn't think I'd ever tire of the feel of his skin and muscle under my fingers, the way he trembled and shook at my slightest caress, his sudden intake of breath as I stroked a particularly sensitive bit of flesh, the taste of him. My heart was racing now at the thought of all the things I wanted to do to him.

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