Chapter 34

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I stood looking in the full length mirror, turning from side to side as I tried to assess my appearance for the dinner out. I knew it wouldn't be formal or anything, but I decided it would be better to go a little nicer than find out I'd dressed too casual. Since it was the middle of summer in New York, I figured I couldn't go wrong with an off white sun dress I had purchased when the tour was last in Italy; I'd been waiting for the right occasion to wear it. It was a wrap style with a deep v in front, held up by thin spaghetti straps, fitted around my waist, while the skirt was loose and flowing, hitting me just above the knees. I had added nude strappy heels and some drop turquoise earrings, leaving my hair to curl around my shoulders, and finishing with a light hand on my make-up. The finished effect was far sexier than I had originally intended, but looking at the clock, I could see I didn't have time to rethink my choices. Grabbing a clutch purse, I headed out the door and down to the lobby to meet the guys.

Walking into the lobby I looked around, and not seeing them, I headed into the adjoining lounge. Sure enough, the boys were standing at the bar, each with a shot as they toasted and then quickly downed their drink. I almost snickered out loud at the four varied expressions as the liquid hit their throats. They slammed their empty glasses on the bar and were laughing and giving each other shit. Jason was the first to see me and he was almost laughable in his reaction as he stopped abruptly and just stared, not even noticing as Lars jabbed him sharply in the side. Lars followed his bandmate's gaze and his face sort of slackened as well. 

I started to walk towards them, despite my embarrassment at their gawking, and then Kirk caught site of me and let out a spontaneous sound. "Wow."

Lars nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Wow."

James had been paying for the shots when he finally noticed his band-mates' attention had been diverted. He turned at my approach and the muscles in his jaw tightened, his eyes darkening to almost black. I remembered that look well, it was the same one he got right before we made love. Suppressing a shiver, I couldn't look away as he moved towards me and stopped. We stood staring at each other and I was only vaguely aware of the other guys speaking.

"Yeah, we'll just head out to the car."

"Give it up Kirk, they ain't payin' attention," someone teased.

They were right. Nothing else existed but the pull between Jamie and me. It had always been that way.

"You look beautiful," James finally spoke, his eyes moving over me.

"Th...thanks. I wasn't sure if maybe it was too much."

"No!" The word came out sharp, and then he flushed as he softened his tone. "I mean no, yer just right."

I couldn't help from smiling a little at his reaction. The Mighty Hetfield was actually flustered.

"Should...should we go?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah...I guess we'd better."

We made our way out of the bar and through the lobby to the limo waiting in front of the hotel, and a familiar heat burned through the material of my dress and into my skin from the hand that Jamie kept low on my back. We climbed into the car and found the other guys had opened a bottle of champagne; a full glass quickly found its way into my hand as I sat back.

"To renewing old friendships." Lars held up his glass. "And not fuckin' losin' them again."

There was an enthusiastic murmur of voices as we all leaned forward and clinked our glasses together.  Jamie touched his glass to mine and kept his eyes on me as we both took a drink. The air between us was thick and I finally had to look away. He was making it almost impossible to keep up the façade that things between us weren't a hairsbreadth away from exploding into a full-scale carnal meltdown. My fingers were itching to touch him again, and I had to curl them in against my palm, my nails gouging the skin just enough to distract me. I took a long swallow from my glass and thankfully we arrived at our destination a few minutes later.

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