Number 41

229 1 0

You fling yourself into the middle of the fight.

A dark tabby tom confronts you and snarls. He raises his paws and brings them down on your head. You stagger but don't fall and swipe at the tom's chest. He ducks and launches himself under you and claws your soft underbelly. You yowl and roll away from him but bang into Sunbirch as the golden coloured tom attacked a small she cat. "Watch it!" Sunbirch hisses as you stand up shakily.

Blood dripped from your stomach and you let out a small gasp of pain. The tabby tom grins and lunges at you. He pins you easily and places his long claws dangerously close to your neck. He finally digs his clawa in after a few heartbeats and you cry out feebly.

Then the tabby is thrown off you by Thunderclaw (if you are a she cat)/ Ebonylight (if you are a tom).

You see them fight off the rogue and you sigh in relief before closing your eyes and taking your last breath.

"No! Duskshadow stay with me!" You here someone shout faintly but your already dead.


You died. Go back to the beginning and restart your journey.

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