Number 43

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You and Ebonylight sprint back to camp and rush into Cloudstar's den. "Cloudstar!!" You gasp as you catch your breath.

Cloudstar turns to you and stiffens up. "What is it?"

"Rogues. The Bloodstained Stalkers." You wheeze.

"Rogues? Where?" He stands up, "We must attack them now!"

"No!" You jump in front of him, "You can't!! They'll kill us all!"

"How would you know?" Cloudstar demands.

You take a deep breath, "I used to be part of their group."

Cloudstar takes a step back. "Oh...Well tell me all about them then; we need to know our enemy!"

You nod shakily and allow the horrible memories to enter your mind and remember everything. "They call themselves The Bloodstained Stalkers. They are a group of cats that live in the rubbish heap in twolegplace. Their leader is Flame, an orange furred she cat.

"I was banished from their group because I broke one of their laws: Never give mercy. My name was Fang at the time. I was young and inexperienced. Flame had captured a small kit from a twoleg home and brought it back to our camp. The kit was barely a moon old and was squealing for milk. Flame made these activities where she, or her second in command: Dagger, would capture a cat and bring it back to camp. Then the group members would volunteer to kill them. I volunteered thinking that I would easily kill the kit and gain respect from the older cats but when I looked into its eyes... I realised that I couldn't murder him. I refused to. Flame punished me brutally. She tortured me for days."

You stop speaking and take a deep break, a single tear falls from your eye and Ebonylight presses against you. You find the strength to continue, "Then finally, she ordered me to kill the same kit. She warned that if I refused to again I would be exiled. And so I was. I was punished again and then let go. I ran from twolegplace and ended up in your territory.

"So, let's get back to them. They live a bit like a clan. They have ranks. But not like ours. At the top is the Leader. Then it's the Assassin who is second in command.  Then there's the Soldiers who are like warriors and then there's Omegas. They are the weakest of the group and usually die before reaching full maturity." You finish speaking and lower your head.

Cloudstar nods slowly. "Your dismissed."


Continue to number 47.

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