Chap 2

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"If your the daughter of Poseidon God of the sea, does that make you a goddess?" he asked wanting to know more.

"I'm what they call a demigod. My father might have been a God, but my mother was an ordinary woman who happened to fall for the King of the sea," I told him looking down at the table not meeting his eyes.

"So your a half breed like my brother," he sneered.

Feeling the room start to shake, I clench my fists trying to control my anger so I don't end up hurting my new house guest. "I would watch what you say next. I am told I have a temper similar to my uncle Zeus," I said warning Orm finally meeting his eyes. If I didn't know any better I would say I saw fear flash over his features.

"So if you're the daughter of Poseidon. What power do you possess besides manipulating water to your will, if I may ask?" he questioned me heeding my suggestion.

"You may ask, but I'm not going to answer just yet. I'll tell you all about my powers in future time if I deem you trustworthy enough," I promised him.

"Fine, then how do you know Arthur?" he asked realizing I wasn't going give in and tell him everything about my powers.

"We meet when Stephenwolf tried to use the motherboxes to destroy our world. He teamed up with me and my cousin and some-others and were able to put a stop to him," I answered.

"Your cousin?" he asked wanting to know more.

"Yes, my cousin Diana daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta. Though she was more like a mother to me or an older sister," I confided.

"What happened to your surface dweller mother?" he inquired.

"She died giving birth to me, it was my fault that she is dead. If I wasn't born she would still be here today. So I was giving to Diana to raise," I said but quickly shook my head and stoop up from my spot not wanting to talk about me anymore.

"It's getting late we should figure out living arrangements. I only have the one room so you could take the couch but I have heard from Arthur it's not the most comfortable for sleeping on or we can share my bed seeing as we're both adults," I told him.

"Does Arthur stay here a lot?" he asked and if I would have guessed I would say there was a little jealousy in his tone.

"Only when he's too drunk to make it back to him and his father's lighthouse," I tried to joke to ease the tension in the room.

"So you and my brother have not been intimate in any sorts?" he questioned even more.

"Not that it's any of your business, but no. He's like the older brother I never wanted. Just ew, it's wrong to even think about me and Arthur," I told him being slightly disgusted at the thought of me and him.

"Good, because I didn't want have to deal with you being all broken hearted when you find out him and Princess Mera are together," he offered as an explanation.

"Well, do you want me to get you blankets and pillows for the couch or do you plan on sharing with me?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"The couch shall be just fine, Alexandra," he said and I couldn't help but groan at the use of my full name.

"Please just call me Alex, I hate my full name," I told him scrunching up my nose in disgust.

"Why it's a quite beautiful name and if I'm not mistaken it means 'protector of man' and if what you told me was true about fighting alongside my brother your quite a warrior," he explained.

"Trust me I'm no warrior especially compared to Diana. And Alexandra is just a mouthful for people," I told him looking down and fiddled with my hands.

"I've known you for less than a day, but I can tell that you don't give yourself enough credit. Plus, it's a good thing I'm just not anybody Alexandra," he said reaching his hand forward and tilting up my chin so I meet his blue eyes.

"I I I I'm going to go and get those blankets for you," I stuttered out than quickly left to get the blankets.

"What have I gotten myself into," I thought. This Atlantean is going to cause nothing but trouble for me and my heart if he keeps this up. 

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