Chapter 6

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"Alexandria, I have always warned you about the type of company you should not keep close," Diana said, eyeing Orm, who stood there with a gaze that showed no emotion.

I moved so that I would be in between Diana and Orm, afraid of what either of them might do if provoked. I also didn't want to deal with Orm's ego being broken anymore when Diana beat him, which she surely would.

"Diana, please," I pleaded with her to stand down. My stormy eyes meet her dark ones. We were both daughters of one of the big three gods. One a princess of the Amazonian and Olympus, and the other a princess of the sea god.

"Okay," Diana said, looking at me, giving me a small smile before continuing her gaze darting to Orm than back to me, "I think I'll stay a few days before returning home."

"Of course, you know you are welcomed here anytime," I smiled at her widely and moved to give her a hug, which she gladly accepted. I couldn't tell what look she was giving over my shoulder, but I'm guessing it wasn't a kind one from the sharp intake of breath I heard.

She realized me from the hug but held on to my shoulders, "I have to go take care of some business today nearby, but I should be back in time for dinner."

"Superhero business?" I asked, smirking at her.

"Business with an old friend, nothing too exciting, I'm afraid," she said, finally releasing my shoulders and taking a step back. She glanced at Orm with a fierce gaze, "Remember, if anything should happen to Alex, I will find out. Arthur may be a dear friend of mine, but she comes before all else to me."

"My lady, it isn't my attention to hurt her in any way. That I can promise you," Orm's voice came out fierce. It was just a mere day or two ago this man or Alantenian couldn't care whether I would live or die.

Diana looked him up and down with an approving gaze before saying her goodbyes and leaving for the day. For a few moments, Orm and I stood there, not saying anything before I gathered the courage to make the first move.

I turned to I was standing in front of him and faced him straight on. His ocean blue eyes stared straight into my sea green ones. They were so intimidating, calculating my every move waiting to see what I would do. Slowly I raised my hand and cupped his cheek, and he ever so slightly leaned into my touch.

His strong hand moved to rest itself on the upper part of my waist, while the other moved to cup my cheek as I did his. We both leaned in until our lips meet in a slow kiss that left me just wanting more of him. The kiss continued as he licked the bottom of my lip, asking for entrance, which I gladly granted. As the kiss deepened, my mind went fuzzy with the need for more. But we both broke apart for a breath of air.

Resting our foreheads against one, he nudged my nose with his. "Your cousin doesn't seem to like me much," he whispered.

"She takes a while to warm up to people, don't take it too personally," I told him as I tilted my head up to kiss along his jaw and moved my way down his neck. He tilted his neck back to give me better access as his hands found there way under my shirt, and he started pulling it up above my head, causing us to break contact.

"I want you," he growls as he moved us to the couch, pushing me down so that he was on top leaning over me. He attacked my lips once again, this kiss rougher than the last as we fought for dominance. I brought my legs up and wrapped them around his waist, pulling us closer together. "You are mine now, Alexandria, together we will be able to rule the sea like we were born to do."

"What?" I asked, breaking apart from Orm and getting some distance between the two of us.

"You are the daughter of the sea god. You were meant to rule the sea, and I'm the true-born King of Atlantis. Together we can make a new age for our people, our children, and their children will never be questioned over their rule," he smiled, trying to reassure me with his words.

But it did that exact opposite. I pulled away from Orm entirely by unwrapping my legs from where they were around his waist and pushed my hands on his chest so that he would move. As soon as I had the chance, I got up from the couch and moved a few feet away from and glared. Orm just gave me a confused look, "Why are you upset?"

I couldn't help but scoff, how clueless could he be, "I'm not upset, I'm honestly impressed. You almost had me fooled, and that's on me. But the truth is all you care about is becoming the pompous boy King you once were."

He moved suddenly, taking steps towards me, and I quickly move back out of his way, causing him to stop dead in his tracks. "Alex," he whispered, his eyes full with question. Could he not understand what he just admitted to just minutes ago.

"You lost the right to call me Alex. You don't care about me, Orm Marius. All you care about is getting your precious crown back. And I refuse to let you use me to do that," my voice got louder as I spoke, and I never broke eye contact with the Atlantian who stood in my living room. "The only reason you are still staying in my home is because of Arthur."

At the mention of his brother, his gaze quickly became stony. "As you wish, princess," he said, his voice showing no emotion as he left the room and went outside.

I watched him leave, and as soon as he was out of eyesight, my knees buckled, and I went down. "How could I have been so stupid to give into him? He was able to trick me so easily. Diana would have never let a man control her so easily as I just allowed. The Amazons had it right, not allowing men into their home."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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