Chapter 3

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Sitting in the kitchen I nursed my cup of tea, it has been a week since Orm arrived. And all he has been doing is moping around the cottage pitying himself. He hasn't told me much but from what I can gather is Arthur won the thrown from him and his now King of Atlantis instead of him. He holds so much resentment for Arthur, and I can just tell that anytime I bring up his brother. But, today I will get him out of this house. He probably misses the sea, I know I do anytime I'm away from it too long. And the sea has been his home his whole life now he is being forced to live on land with a woman he doesn't know.

Getting up from my spot in the kitchen, I went into the living room where he was reading a book. Glancing over I saw the cover of the book he was reading and I couldn't help but let out a little chuckle. Causing him to glance up at me and glare.

"What do you find so amusing?" he snapped.

Holding up my hands up in defense I told him, "Nothing, I just didn't expect you out of all people to be reading a children's novel such as Harry Potter."

"Well, the story is quite compelling. And this character Draco Malfoy is interesting," he said then closed the book.

"Of course you would think that your both pompous pureblood blonde's that think they're better than everybody else," I smirked at Orm who just rose his eyebrow at me.

"And you're a half-breed that is hiding among these surface dwellers. When you could be among your own people up in Olympus," he shot back and I could feel my anger start to rise.

"These surface dwellers are my people. I don't have any interest in going to Olympus and they don't have any interest in me. In blood, my father may be Poseidon, but he's not my father where it counts. Family doesn't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either. This is the only home I know and I will do anything to help protect it," I snapped.

"And I was willing to do anything to protect my home Atlantis. Which your people are destroying as they pollute our oceans," he argued back. My green eyes meet his blue ones as we stared each other down.

"Your not wrong about the damage these people are causing to your home. But, not all surface dwellers are the reason behind it. A lot just don't know what else they could do. There's big companies that are controlling where our waste go and a lot of people don't know or just don't accept the facts what they are doing to the earth," I tried to reason with him, so maybe he could understand.

Though he just stared at me not saying anything. So I spoke up, "I'm going for a walk, so if you want to get out of the house your welcome to come."

He nodded and got up from his spot and made his way to the door and I just stared at him. He looked back at me and asked, "Well are you coming?"

Nodding quickly I made my way over to him and we left out the door. I lead the way, and we remained in silence for the walk. I could smell the sea in the air and it just calmed me. As we made it to the top of a cliff that looked over the ocean I spoke up, "This is one of my favorite spots. Just being away from everything and everybody and being able to look over the sea."

I looked back to Orm, who was staring at the sea with a longing look and I couldn't help but feel for him. He misses his home and he's stuck here with a woman he barely knows and stands.

Looking back to the ocean, I moved to get closer but when I got to the edge my foot slipped and the next thing I knew I was falling.

"Alexandra!" someone yelled out but it was fading as I got farther and farther away.

The back of my head hit something hard that wasn't like water it must have been a rock and then everything went black.

"Alexandra, come on you have to get up," Diana said as I laid down on the sand as we fought.

"How many times do I have to tell you, cousin, call me Alex," I told her as I jumped back up from being on my back and landed on my feet. And grabbed my sword. As we both started to circle around each other.

"Never let your guard down in a fight, that's when your opponent will strike," Diana said as she swung her sword at me and I hurried to block her's with mine grunting at the force. Pushing her off of me. Just for her to swing back this time grazing me on the cheek.

Feeling the blood start to drip down my cheek I glared at Diana. "Remember to use your strengths. Your power comes from the water, Use it!"

Glancing at the ocean beside on the beach, I stuck my hand out calling for the water to come me. I form a wall of water and then push towards Diana causing her to fall on her back.

Then I hear a voice calling me "Alexandra, Alex you have to wake up."

The next thing I know I'm coughing up water as it makes it way out my lungs making room for the oxygen.

Opening my eyes I see Orm starring down at me as he sits next to me on his knees. Trying to sit up Orm moves his hand on my back and helps me.

"What happened?" I asked him confused because all I could remember was falling.

"You fell off the cliff. And you weren't swimming back up to the surface. So I dove in after you, and when I found you on the ocean floor you were surrounded by blood and unconscious. I was worried that you drowned," he confided.

"Aw, it's nice to know you care," I smiled at him.

"I don't care. I just didn't want to explain to Arthur how his friend died and he would of blamed me for it," he snapped back but I could the slight pink blush that crossed his pale white skin.

"Well, no need to worry. I would have been fine," I told him.

"If I didn't jump in to save you. You would have been dead," he argued back.

Reaching to touch the back of my head where it ached. When I touched it I couldn't help but wince. Bringing my hand forward I frowned at the blood that covered it. Standing up I could feel my knees start to wobble. But, I made my way to get closer to the ocean.

"What are you doing?" Orm yelled as he watched me.

"Just watch," I said and reached down so my hand was submerged into the water. As the water started going up my arm and made its way to my head I could feel it start to heal. Once the water started going back down my arm, I made my way out of the water and walked over to Orm. Who was watching me with amazement.

Once I right next to him, I stood up on my tiptoes and whispered into his ear, "And I can breathe underwater, you don't know half of what I'm capable of."

Daughter of the Sea (Orm Marius)Where stories live. Discover now