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is squad. much friends.

unemployed moose: guys we gotta tell people about our relationships

soggy waffles: i agree

easy bake oven: whoa whoa whoa just wait a second where's max

unemployed moose: idk he's your brother go find him

overdraft bank fee: i'm here lol had to piss

soggy waffles: what a gentleman

overdraft bank fee: shUt uP

overdraft bank fee: so whats the problem??

unemployed moose: we need to tell the fans about our relationships

overdraft bank fee: oh ok

unemployed moose: now

overdraft bank fee: o like rn???

easy bake oven: yes rn the fans are getting annoyed with all this secret bullshit

soggy waffles: we'll all post so that everyone is clear okay?

unemployed moose: got it

easy bake oven: alright

overdraft bank fee: okie dokie

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