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ride or die😭💗:
are you there?
i need to talk

hey via!
what's up?

um did you notice the way max was acting in the gc


like the way he was acting towards me near the end

uh no?

it just felt so cold
idk maybe i'm overthinking this but... do you think he's bored of me?

what? via of course not
why would you think that!

idk lately he's been acting weird around me...
the last time i went to his house was two weeks ago and every time i want to hang out he says he's busy with something
i feel like he's over me

no via, there's got to be an explanation for it...maybe he's surprising you with something!

i don't think so

listen vi, just try not to overthink this too much, okay?
you'll end up wasting your time worrying about nothing in the end

i'll try not to
thank you cara💞

no problem via💘
text me if you need anything or just wanna talk whenever :)


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