*Extra Chapter* THE PRANK

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HahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahhahahhahahahhahhhahahhahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahhahHahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahah Lol I have no idea why anyone's still reading this story. Soz, I had to get that out of my system.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Myrah and Arav waited by the elevator with Theon, Cassiopeia, and Altaira Malfoy.

When they finally got into their penthouse, Myrah climbed into the fireplace and grabbed a matchbox. She lit the match on fire, then dropped it.

Arav, Cassie, Theon, and Altaira all screamed as they watched her slowly burn.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH" Hysterical laughter was heard from behind them.

They all whipped around to see a perfectly fine Myrah standing there with a smirk.

"It's time you guys learn the elegant art of-" Myrah fell to the ground with a knife through her chest and blood pooled around her.

The Malfoy children were terrified but Arav slowly grinned.

"ILLUSION!" was heard from above them.

Lo and behold, there Myrah was, sitting on the chandelier.

All of a sudden the chandelier fell but Myrah snapped her fingers and she appeared in Arav's arms and the chandelier was untouched on the ceiling.

Theon, Cassie, and Altaira looked at her in awe.

"Now let's proceed to the prank room, children." Myrah smirked.

They watched as Myrah snapped her fingers and shrunk.

She slipped through a hole in the wall and a click was heard.

A door opened and Myrah was back to her normal size.

"Come hither, my fellow pranksters."


" I think we're ready," Arav smirked.

"Operation Cohoes is set into motion," Myrah snickered.

The Malfoy children burst into laughter.

"I thought we were calling it Operation Arav is the Best!" Arav whined.

Myrah smacked him on the back of his head and giggled.

"Oh lord, why did I marry you again?" Myrah rolled her eyes.

"Because I'm the hottest person you've ever seen."

Cassie, Theon, and Altaira had tears of laughter in their eyes.

"AnYwAy, you daft buffoon, let's prank the hoes." Myrah said passionately.

"oH mY gOd, shut the fuck up with the swearing, jeez there are children around!" Arav exclaimed.

"Hypocrite," Myrah muttered.

"But you love me," Arav puffed out his chest proudly.

"Do I?" Myrah said with a straight face.

"Hey!" Arav exclaimed indignantly.


"So recap of Operation Cohoes, we are putting a Disillusionment Charm on bugs, then putting them in 20 gallons of slime, then putting them in Kendall's car." Myrah explained.

Altaira looked horrified.

Myrah saw her look and sighed.

"Altaira, the bugs are specially designed robobugs of my own creation that won't die." Myrah said.

Altaira sighed in relief.

"Oh yeah, and the slime is magical, so it will start coming out of the vents as soon as she opens the door." Arav added.

"Let's get on with it." Theon said impatiently.

 After filling up Kendall's cheap convertible, they put the top back up and snuck inside

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  *After Kendall storms outside*

Kendall stomped up to her car, seething.

Being her oblivious self, she opened the door and sat inside, grumbling.

How dare they kick her out of the hotel!

She suddenly felt something oddly sticky seeping onto her scalp.

She screamed and jumped out of the car.

Looking through the window, Kendall saw her car being filled up with, what was that? Was it slime?

Kendall knew exactly who did that, and she was furious.

All of a sudden, she saw the slime start squirming and wriggling like there was something inside it.

"OMG EW! WHY IS IT MOVING!?" she shrieked.

A beetle suddenly popped into view and that was the last straw for Kendall Granger.

She went over to her Mum and Dad's car and sat in the backseat, sulking.

Little did she know, there were three blond teenagers and two mischievous adults standing just around the corner, almost pissing their pants with laughter.

Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! As you can see, I am bad at planning pranks, so it might be a bit, um, odd. Anyway, go check out The Pureblood Granger if you want!


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