Chapter 13

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 Hey guys! this is the last official chapter of this book, but I have an announcement, so be sure to read the next thing I post.

                   It was the day of the ball, and everyone seemed to be high on pixie sticks. Kendall, Nimlee, and Sarian were still planning their "revenge" on Myrah.

At breakfast, Kendall, Nimlee, and Sarian strut into the room 20 minutes late.

Kendall walked up to Myrah and started talking to her.

"Don't think I won't get my revenge, because you won't know what hit you with my master plan." Kendall said snobbishly then walked out of the room, brushing against Myrah on her way out.

Talia, Nimlee, and Sarian all ran after her.

Myrah smiled mischievously and shushed the group.

She smirked at Arav before taking off her earrings and attaching them to the tiny camera that Kendall had not so subtly stuck to her shoe.

Myrah stuck up her middle finger in front of the camera before pouring a drop of water onto the earrings.  She flicked the camera off of her heels right before it started sparking and blew up.

Kendall's frustrated scream echoed throughout the hotel.

"I am highly concerned about the safety of you children if your earrings blow up when you put water on them." Hermione snorted.

Myrah shrugged.

"Aesha and Rahul find that it spices up their lives a bit. I never wear dangerous stuff in front of the kids."

"I remember you used to be so innocent before you went to Hogwarts." Aunt Khushi laughed.

"The war changed us all, Mum." Mahek said sadly.

Myrah stiffened as she touched her arm before relaxing again.

"Yeah you're not that much of a nerd anymore, May May." Myrah joked to lighten the mood.

Mahek rolled her eyes.

"How many times have I told you not to call me May May, Ming Ming?" Mahek said.

"How many times have I asked YOU to not call me Ming Ming?" Myrah retorted.

The two sisters walked away, still arguing.

Aunt Khushi rolled her eyes.

"That's one thing that will never change, no matter how old they get. They're in their thirties and they still bicker like teenagers." she said.

Hermione laughed.


It was finally time for the ball and everyone was there except for Myrah, Arav, and Hermione.

The spotlight on the stage turned on and Harry, Ron, Arav, Blaise, and Draco walked onto the stage.

The press went wild and their cameras were flashing like Ethan Dolan's flashlight "party" in the woods. (25:24 in the video above)

"This ball has been organized to reveal our families to the world." Blaise said, getting right to the point."

Everyone gasped.

Harry stepped forward

"I'll start," he said. "My wife is Astoria Greengrass, and I have 4 children named Lily, James, Albus, and Aquila."

His family climbed onto the stage.

Ron stepped up next.

"My wife is Pansy Parkinson, and I have 2 children named Rose and Hugo."

His family went up.

Blaise was next.

"My wife is the one and only Ginny Weasley and we have 2 children named Alya and Anna."

His family joined him on the stage.

Arav walked forward. "My wife is Myrah Granger, and we have 2 children named Aesha and Rahul."

A giant bang reverberated throughout the ballroom as Myrah and her children appeared out of the smoke.

She looked at everyones shocked faces and smirked.

"What, you thought I was going to come in normally?"

"AnYwAy," Draco said. "I guess i'm next"

"I have 5 children, and their names are Theon, Cassiopeia, Altaira, Calista, and Scorpius."

He paused as a look of realization dawned on the Granger's faces.

"And my wife is Hermione Granger." He finished.

"WHAT!!" A shriek was heard as Hermione walked onto the stage,

Kendall Granger stomped forward  as all the cameras turned to her.

She basked in all the attention before remembering what she was yelling about.

"WHY WOULD YOU CHOOSE HERMIT CRAB WHEN YOU COULD HAVE THIS?!" She screeched, pointing  at her, um, revealing dress.

"Security, kindly remove her from the premises, please," Draco calmly said. 

He turned his attention to the murmuring crowd.

"If anyone has anything bad to say about my wife, they can leave." He growled.

Talia, Nimlee, and Sarian all walked out of the building with their noses in the air.

Hermione and Myrah both rolled their eyes at each other.

Myrah sighed.

"I can't believe I couldn't see their reactions to my revenge."

A scream sounded from outside the hotel.

Myrah smirked.

"Never mind." She said while grinning at Arav.

Hermione laughed.

"What did you guys do this time?" Draco asked.

"You don't even want to know." Arav replied.

"OMG EW! WHY IS IT MOVING?!" Kendall's shrieks were heard from outside the hotel.

The friends all burst out laughing.

"That turned out better than I expected." Hermione said to Draco.

"See, I told you it would be ok." He replied.

"I know." she said, smiling.

The young Malfoy family walked back to their penthouse and headed back home the next morning.

Hermione had just flopped down onto the couch when an owl dropped a letter onto her head.

She noticed the Hogwarts seal and quickly opened it.

Hermione looked at the contents of the letter and groaned.

"What's wrong, love?" Draco asked.

"There's a Hogwarts reunion next week."

                                                                               THE END

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