Chapter 4

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Don't take what I'm about to say the wrong way because I do love that I'm the writer of this book and I'm honoured to do so. But, it does kind of suck. You know, as a reader you're constantly on the edge of your seat, waiting for the update to your favourite story to know what comes next. And this story is like that for me, but then I remember that I'm the writer. It's strange. I would think it would take the fun out of a story, but it doesn't for me. I'm still on the edge of my seat, waiting for the update. And when I finish and it gets published, I race to read the chapter like I don't already know how it's goes.

Is that strange? Have I gone mad? Well, even if you have I hope you enjoy the chapter. Thanks for all the support!

~JD Xx


"How did it go?" Louis asked his exhausted boyfriend as he came stumbling into their room at 3:30 AM.

Louis had long gotten over the hurt from Niall's rejection... For the most part. He knew Niall was just upset and really didn't mean to be as cold as he was. They were all like brothers in the band, they loved each other no matter what. So, he really wasn't upset that he was pushed away. What hurt him was that Niall chose... and Louis wasn't him. That's what hurt the most, and his reason to have pain linger.

"It went..." Harold thought to himself a moment to find the right words to explain everything that had just gone on in the room down the hall, "Not how I hoped."

That sent fear ripplingly through Louis' spine, "Does he not understand? Is he going to tell everyone about us? Harry, I'm not ready to be taken out of the band," Louis worried, thinking back to their meeting with management about their relationship.

Seeing his boyfriend panic sent Harry reeling back into the mother hen/worrier mode as he had been with Niall. He practically launched himself on the bed to wrap himself around a shaking Louis. He pushed his face into Louis' neck and began to murmur sweet nothings into his warm, familiar skin. Calming Louis took less time than it had with Niall. Perhaps that came with their relationship or Harry had just mistaken Louis' panic to be worse than it actually was. Either way, Harry was undeniably surprised but thankful when Louis didn't all out break down.

"He understood," Harry whispered into his boyfriend's ear comfortingly, "He understood just fine and he's not going to out us to anyone."

"T-then what did you mean?" Louis whispered in confusion.

Harry sighed, unsure how to answer, "Well... Niall is just... Down right now..."

Louis sat back to look at Harold. Niall down? That made even less sense. Niall is the happiest person in the band. Nothing can really get him down. Can it? Harry dropped his hands from Louis' shoulders and took his hand to fondle with in his lap while he tried to further explain.

"He didn't tell me much, so it's hard to put into words," Harry admitted, his voice growing impossibly deeper and thicker as he tried to hold back tears for his best friend, "He's just upset over something or someone. I think someone hurt him but..." Harry looked up into Louis' eyes as a tear escaped his own green ones, "Who would do that? Who would ever hurt Baby Nialler?"

"Oh, Harry," Louis pulled the emotional boy in so his curly haired head was against him chest. There, he let Harry soak his blue shirt almost navy blue in tears. Broken sobs that shook both lads hard but failed to make much of a sound in fear of Niall himself hearing them just down the hall. Or where they thought he was just down the hall.

In reality, the Irish boy was rocking himself through silent tears just outside the couple's door. He couldn't hear the cries but he knew they were falling. He had been able to hear it in Harold's voice. He had been the one to help Harry too many times since meeting to miss the changes in how he spoke. And he hated to think he was causing he best friend, his dreamed of lover, pain. He felt it was Harry, who was younger and more emotionally fragile, that deserved pain. He believes it was himself who deserved the pain. Harry was happy and he shouldn't be bringing him down. Harry didn't deserve this.

199 Letters And Counting (Sequel to 199 Letters) (BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now