Chapter 2

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"Here, take your shoes off at the door." The door to your place beeped as you typed in the code, 5961, and gives with a soft click. Connor followed closely, his LED a quizzical yellow as he was excited to regard the way you decided to decorate your apartment. He has read that the way humans furnish their living space says a lot of the character of a person, what they like and dislike, who they are. It feels to him as having the knowledge of a telepath and it is thrilling.

He walks with small, short steps as if he is a child being introduced to a room full of strangers. He is not tense, actually quick relaxed, ambling into your kitchen without a hint of stiffness. His eyes fall onto your living room and he will not lie in the fact that he is a bit disappointed. Your living room and its decorum are quite muted.

There is a large dominance of the color guy with small accents of white and black here and there. The only bit of color the living space holds is your blue mug sitting on the table. His eyes take in the other parts of your place that are visible; a medium sized flat screen, a bookshelf that is partially full, and a painting on the wall, it is in black and white of course, but there is the slight tint of gold if you look close enough. It is not all what he expected from you, from someone with so much vibrancy about them, with so much light.

You turned to find him looking about the place with a faint crease on his forehead and his head minutely slanted to the right. It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was thinking, why was it so bare? Why didn't you have more things? Why is it so bleak? You would know, you've asked yourself the same thing and the answer tended to change every time your brain tried to create a response.

"Is there anything I can get you?" You questioned, leaning on the counter. You tried to draw him out of those thoughts.

His LED blinked a bit before he was able to turn and look over his shoulder, giving a tiny smile. "No, Officer (y/l/n), I'm fine." He looked at the ceiling, the light fixtures (nothing special), and the smooth paint of the walls. "I was just observing your apartment."

You chuckled as you moved to sit on the sofa, your keys jangling as they hit the island's countertop as if that wasn't obvious. "Well do tell, how's the view?" Spinning a bit, you raised your arm, gesturing to everything in the room.

He took a minute to think, his eyes never leaving yours. "I think that the tones are a bit muted, I'd have expected more color from you." He nodded his head forward as he said the last part, trying to convey his feelings gently.

You weren't disappointed nor hurt by his statement, it was the truth. You wanted your apartment to be that way, it made redecorating that much easier. If you found pieces that were of a monotone persuasion, you could add in accent colors and different colored throws without making a big hassle about it. Plus, it was great for feeling aesthetically pleasing.

"I'll take it." Your feet guided you to the bookshelf and you plucked a volume from the many on that line. You hadn't been able to get out to the bookstore yet, but you were thrilled to see what kind of stories the local bookstore would hold.

"If it's not too much to ask, why so monotone?" Connor's voice rang through the stillness of the apartment, its pitch bouncing off the walls a bit. You cradled the book in your hands before moving to sit on the sofa, falling down with a small rush of air expelling from the cushions. Letting your fingers graze over the tops of the pages, you met his widened eyes, his previous question lingering on them.

"It makes redecorating easier." You hummed. It was the truth, well, partially.

"Do you part take in that often?" He moved a bit closer, opting for the loveseat to your right.

You chuckled before an uh slipped out. "Not, really." Your eyes glanced around you as if the answer would be written on the coffee table. "Just sometimes," your hands played with your book cover. "Sometimes, you just need a change of scenery."

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