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This chapter refers to some serious issues so prepare yourselves. If you are at all triggered by this, please stop reading, do not push yourself. I want you to be healthy and feel emotionally okay and if you cannot make it through this, I completely understand and support you. You are beautiful and strong! I love you so much!

Hank came as fast as he could, swearing under his breath as he heard a gunshot and another one proceeding the first. His pace quickened. He held his hand pistol in his hand as he approached the open door, the breeze playing with it, moving it back and forth. He saw the lock was busted and his senses sharpened. He didn't know what he would find on the other side of that door but he was ready to find out.

He stepped in, gun held out to find two things: You and Connor laying on the floor (together?) and the deviant laying a few feet away, struggling to get back up. Hank moved to intercept the deviant before it tried its hand at a great escape.

"Ah, ah, ah." Hank's gun was trained on the deviant's face. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." He walked over pulling him off the ground and sticking some handcuffs on him.

Then he moved his attention to the two of you. "Jesus," He noticed Connor's gaping hole in his shoulder. "Are the two of you alright?"

Connor turned to see Lieutenant Anderson standing behind him. "I'm fine, Lieutenant, but Officer (y/l/n) will need medical attention." Connor gently situated you up right, careful to watch your injured arm. "She's been shot in the arm."

Just then, the sound of sirens filled the otherwise noiseless outdoors. A few cops rushed in, ready to fire, but lowered their weapons and moved to grab the suspect. Hank made his way over to you.

"Hey. Talk to me." Hank kneeled by you, trying to get you to look him in the eye. When you did, a small grin took your face.

"I'm okay, it just hurts a bit, nothing a few Tylenol and some good medical care can't take care of." You made sure that answer was enough for him and continued to take a look at Connor. "Connor, on the other hand, is probably going to need some repairs."

His LED blinked yellow at the mention of his name. He looked at Lieutenant Anderson, then back at you. "The repair process is quick and efficient, I should be fully restored by tomorrow." He blinked a few times and did that head cock thing again.

"Good." Hank moved to his feet. "I'm gonna go get the EMTs, they'll probably be able to do something for you."

"Lieutenant Anderson, I do not follow. I cannot be repaired by emergency medical -"

"Not for you. The girl." Hank looked from Connor to you and then back to Connor.


You laughed at his confusion and simple answer, it was cute after all. Connor watched you smile and could not help but feel his eyes light up too. Whenever you were happy, he was happy too.

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The hospital lights were more bright and blinding than you last remembered, the brilliant white colors of the room bounced back and hit your eyes with no end. It took a few blinks and eventually your eyes were able to turn down its receptors enough to look around without immediately having to shut them again.

At least you knew where you were, it made the adjustment that much easier. Before, well, five years before, there were times where he just forced you in a car and drove. The only indication that could give you a clue as to where you were was the large billboards scattered along the interstates. You weren't allowed to ask questions, no, it would be like a death sentence, so you only stared at the window and hoped it wasn't somewhere remote. You also hoped this transition wasn't permanent, maybe only a couple of days.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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