Chapter 1: Just Another Night

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"Aw man, I. AM. BEAT!" Yang announced as the team entered their dorm room.

This week's classes had been brutal, on top of that, Ruby had been making her team meet up after every class for some training. They had been practicing team attacks, and Ruby had given them all some interesting, cute, names. Yang stretched her arms and rubbed her shoulders. They were terribly sore.

"Man Rubes, those team attacks are sure something! But Bumblebee really takes a toll on my arms after being swung around for 2 hours straight!" Yang joked as she took off her gauntlets to let her wrists rest.

'Try being the one to swing you around for 2 straight hours' Blake thought to herself.

"But you have to admit, it is a pretty awesome move!" Ruby cheered as she gathered her pajamas from the closet.

"Yeah, I'd say Bumblebee is probably the best move out of them all. Wouldn't you agree Blake?" said Yang giving the girl a quick wink.

Blake immediately saw what Yang was up to and gleefully jumped in on the fun.


"Whaaa?? Watcha talkin 'bout?" Ruby said with a face of surprise. "Ice Flower is the best team attack! Right, Weiss??"

"Actually, I'd have to say Checkmate is the most effective." Weiss said as she started to brush her hair.

"Whaaattttt????" Ruby sobbed.

"I'll take that" added Blake with a smirk.

"Traitor! Blake how could you! I thought we had something!" Yang wined in a playful manner.

Something about that last statement tugged at Blakes' chest. She felt herself get flustered a bit and a tiny blush came onto her face. Good thing everyone was caught up in getting ready for bed to notice.

"Don't worry Yang! You and I will have the best team attack and show these two what the Rose Xiao Long girls are made of! But first I gotta think of a name! To the shower!" Ruby exclaimed as she ran out of the room to shower. 

"Wait!? Why the shower!?" Weiss trailed off, but Ruby was long gone.

Yang pulled up a chair at her desk and giggled.

"She does all her thinking in the shower" she replied.

"Oh. That's...odd." said, Weiss, as she also got up to go change into her pajamas.

"Eh, its Ruby" Yang replied as she shrugged.

Everyone eventually got situated and ready for bed. The day was long and once the team had all settled into their beds, the room fell silent. Blake was reading her book, as usual, Weiss was studying up on the assignment they had gotten from Professor Port the day prior, and Yang was up playing games on her scroll. It was a nice quiet time...that is until the door to their room swung open and a small whine came through.

"Ugh! I couldn't think of anything in the shower!" exclaimed Ruby out of frustration.

"And there goes the peace and quiet," said Weiss in an annoyed tone.

"It was nice while it lasted," added Blake, not looking up from her book.

Ruby put her shower stuff away and climbed into bed.

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated that I can't think of a cool team attack for Yang and me. I thought it would be the easiest one!" said Ruby, plopping herself onto her pillow.

Yang put down her scroll and turned to her frustrated sister.

"Don't worry Ruby, I'm sure it'll come to you soon. No need to fret about it! You've already come up with some amazing team attacks. Ours will be the secret weapon" Yang said with a wink to her sister.

"Yeah, I'm sure it'll come to me when I least expect it! Alright, team RWBY, everyone get a good nights rest! We have a long weekend ahead of us!" announced Ruby as she jumped off her bed to turn out the lights.

Weiss had just finished putting her books away but wasn't able to move her bag off the floor in time before Ruby tripped over it in her hurry to reach the light switch.


"Ah! You dolt! Watch where you're going!

"Sorry Weiss!" said Ruby as she turned off the lights and walked back over to her bunk. As she was getting onto her bed her leg swung a little too hard and kicked Weiss in the back of the head.

"Ow! Ruby!! YOU LITTLE-" Weiss was cut short by a pillow to the face. A giggle could be heard from the top bunk across of Weiss.

"Ah! YANG!"

Yang threw her hands up in a defensive position

"Hey don't look at me. I can't even see right now."

"Ugh, I am so done with you all! Good night!" Weiss said with a huff as she pulled up her blanket and turned to face the wall.

Yang leaned over her bed and whispered to Blake,

"Nice one," she said with a giggle and held out her hand for a high five.

To her surprise, she felt Blakes' hand meet hers as she also let out a small giggle.

The quiet finally returned as everyone fell asleep. Well, everyone except Blake that is. She stayed up reading her book. Blake was grateful that she was able to see without the light so she wouldn't need to close her book when her teammates slept. After a while, Blake looked at the clock, it was 12 a.m. She marked her book and put it away, took off her bow, and pulled the covers snuggly to her chin. With a small yawn and sleepy eyes, she soon fell under nights calm lullaby.

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