Chapter 5: Lies, Truths, and Cookies

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The two got out of bed, put on some socks and slippers, and stayed in their pajamas since it was still early in the morning and no one else would be up. They then proceeded out of their room and made their way to the dorm's kitchen. Although the team mostly ate at Beacons cafeteria, they still had their own fridge and cupboard for any other food they kept for themselves. Blake took a seat at the counter while Yang rummaged through their teams' fridge marked RWBY.

"Well, at least we'll never be out of cookies." Yang commented, seeing all her sisters' packages of chocolate chip cookie mix.

"Actually, cookies don't really sound that bad right now," Blake said.

"Cookies it is then!" Yang smiled as she took out a package of cookie dough marked Property of Ruby Rose. Paws off my cookies!

"You sure its okay to use Ruby's cookie dough?" Blake asked with her brow raised.

"Of course, its fine! If we save her some of the cookies, she'll be fine" Yang assured as she opened up the package and took out a baking sheet from the community cupboard. She then turned on the oven and started laying the cookie dough on the baking sheet.

"As long as you're sure. So, what happened to your pancake craving?" Asked Blake, resting her elbow on the counter and putting her chin in her hand.

"I'm actually more of a waffle person. Don't really care for panca-" Yang cut herself off realizing the situation.

" lied to me then?" Blake said in a monotoned voice.

"I...I uh..." Yang stuttered, her checks turning red.

Suddenly the oven went off, signaling it was heated to the right temperature.

"Oh hey! The ovens ready!" She cheerfully, yet nervously blurted out. Thank you!

Yang quickly picked up the baking sheet and put it into the oven. Blake still stared at her, her eyes unwavering. Yang then closed the oven and set a timer.

"Alright, now we just wait half an hour and the cookies should be ready!" Yang announced.

"Good, that'll give you just enough time to explain why you lied to me," Blake said with a smirk.

"You're not going to let me out of this one are you Blake?"

"Nope. So, start talking Xiao Long."

"Feisty," commented Yang with a smirk of her own.

Blake keep a neutral face. Yang took a moment to compose her thoughts.

"Alright, so I wasn't actually dreaming of pancakes."

"Obviously. So why lie?"

"Well...because, I was...embarrassed..." Yang admitted. She kind of regretted the last part of her comment, because now...she had to tell the truth. Was she ready to tell Blake? Not at all yet, ready or not, the truth was about to be told.

"Embarrassed of what?" Blake further questioned.

"We'll the truth is Blake..." Yang took a moment to giver herself a breath and prepare for her next set of words.

"I...was kinda dreamin" she said, her last word more like a question, hoping Blake would see it as a kind of joke and laugh it off.

However, Blake sat motionless, her eyes slightly wider, she seemed frozen in place, and her cheeks started to glow with a faint red color. Was she embarrassed? Was she disgusted at this fact? So many thoughts were going through Yang's mind as she blushed heavily and waited for a response, a movement, a sound...hell even a blink at this point would break some of the tension that was quickly filling the room. Yang couldn't take the awkward silence anymore, if Blake wouldn't speak then she would.

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