Chapter 2: Lilac Eyes

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It was about 4 o'clock in the morning when Blake found herself awake, rolling over to check the time. The Faunus was awake due to a series of dreams she'd been having recently. All of which concerned a certain blond that was currently sleeping just above her head. 'YANG' she thought. They'd been at Beacon for about 5 months now, and in that time a lot has certainly happened. First, the crazy first day of school, the emerald forest, the white fang, Torchwic, all of it had brought team RWBY closer indeed, none more than team members Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long.

The room may have been dark, but Blake could see everything clear as day. She looked out the crack in the curtains to see the moon was still out, shining brightly. She felt a slight breeze come into the room. It had been hot most nights so the members of team RWBY kept the window open slightly. The breeze was cool and relaxing. It was the perfect night, but despite the comfort and peace that surrounded her, Blake couldn't manage to fall back asleep. She kept thinking about her dreams. She turned again, laying on her back, starring at the top bunk of her bed.

"What was she dreaming about?" thought Blake as she continued to try and sleep again. She tossed and turned in bed. Finally, she gave up and sat up in bed. She looked over at the time again, 4:15 am. Damn.

Blake got up and walked around the room for a bit. She paced the room, taking in the sounds in the room. Ruby was snoring a little more loudly than usual. Weiss, as always was sleeping like a delicate princess, waiting to be awoken by her prince charming. Blake chuckled a bit at that last thought. Then, there was Yang, sleeping so comfortably, and surprisingly very quiet. Normally she snored a little when she slept, tonight, however, she seemed more relaxed.

"What was she dreaming about?" Blake thought again. She walked over to her bed and looked up at Yang. It had to be something good because when Blake looked up at the sleeping girl, she smiled slightly and even let out a small giggle. Blake couldn't help but keep her gaze on Yang. She looked so beautiful when she was sleeping. So calm, unlike when she's awake, not that Blake minded her teammates' upbeat energy, this was just a state that she hadn't really seen before. Blake was so caught up in her own thoughts she didn't realize she had gotten very close to Yang when suddenly a voice shocked her back into reality.

"Blake?" called out the voice.

Blake was surprised to see two perfect lilac eyes staring into hers. When did Yang wake up? How long had they both been staring at one another? Blake couldn't move. Her body was frozen from fear and embarrassment. What would Yang say? Would she think I'm a total creep?? Blake could only manage two words.

"I-I'm sorry!" Blake managed to mutter before ducking down returning to her bed. She quickly pulled the covers over her head and curled into a tight ball right up next to the wall. She couldn't believe what just happened. Blake just hoped that Yang was half asleep, and, in the morning, she wouldn't remember that any of this happened. 

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