Chapter 3: Amber Eyes

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(A/N Short but sweet chapter!  Enjoy!)

Yang's POV

I was so excited to get to bed the moment Weiss turned off the lights and I finished playing my game. I had been having some awesome dreams lately and I wanted to see what I would dream about tonight. All my dreams involved a certain faunus that slept just below me. Was it weird that I had been dreaming about Blake so often? Maybe, and that's why I haven't told anyone about my dreams. I just kept them to myself.

I didn't realize just how tired my body was until I hit the pillow. It was a cool night, so I didn't have a need for the covers. The moment I closed my eyes I instantly fell asleep. After a few moments, I was greeted by a warm smile. I smiled back, the figure became clearer as I drifted off further and further into sleep. I could see Raven black hair, glowing amber eyes, and a pair of adorable cat ears.

"Blake," I say as I approach her with a warm smile, taking her outstretched hand.

It may have only been a dream, but I could feel the warmth of her hand in mine. The warmth spreads throughout my body and I feel so happy. A smile made its way onto my face as we walk towards a shining lake. The sky is a beautiful mix of orange, and yellow then fades up into a deep blue/ purple. There's a tree in the distance. Its autumn leaves falling gently in the breeze. There is a faint scent of honey. I look back at Blake, her form, the color of her hair contrasts beautifully with the background scenery. Her amber eyes had a glow in them that made my heart race. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle. She was so beautiful.

Suddenly my dream came to a halt when I heard a small noise. I opened my eyes, adjusting to the darkness of the room, I saw two glowing orbs starring directly at right at me. I slightly jumped.

"B-Blake?" I call out. She didn't seem to hear me. Its as if she was locked in a trance of some kind. Normally I wouldn't mind or disturb her when she was thinking, but she was staring right at me, in the dark, with glowing Amber was a little scary.

"Blake?" I tried calling out to her once more.

Finally, she snapped back to reality. She shook her head and quickly shifted her gaze from mine and nervously blurted out,

"I-I'm sorry!" As she quickly sank back down into her bunk.

What just happened? Was the first thing that went through my mind. Did that really just happen? I lay there going over everything that happened. Then I composed my thoughts, should I check up on Blake? She seemed really embarrassed but also, I could see her face was also sad. I wonder why? It wouldn't hurt to check up on her right? After all, she is my teammate. I made up my mind, I climbed down from my bunk and tried to be as quiet as possible getting down. As my feet made contact with the floor I heard a small 'thud', I cringed a bit hoping I didn't scare Blake or any of my teammates. Luckily Ruby and Weiss were both still fast asleep. I sighed and looked over to Blake.  I couldn't see as well as Blake could in the dark, but the moon was shining enough for me to make out a small ball huddled up against the wall.

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