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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Word count: 2,772

Warnings: Swearing, angst,

Summary: What happens when Y/N's best friend tells her that he's in love with her? (Seems over done, I know, but this one doesn't turn out like you might think)

You and Harrison had been friends since you were very young. Your family had moved in beside his just before you turned 4, from then on you were thick as thieves. You loved having him as your best friend. He truly understood the type of person you were. He was always there for you just as you were for him, and somehow he could always make you smile when you were sad which said a lot about him because no one else could do that. It never occurred to you that there could be feelings other than friendship until one day when you were in your early 20's, Harrison asked you to go to the park that day. You spent the day walking around seeing the sights, going in a few shops nearby, and then having lunch on a blanket in the grass. You were both lying there in the sun, eyes closed, just relaxing until he spoke. He reached over and took your hand in his.

"I'm gonna miss days like this," Harrison sighed as he turned his head to look at you. You raised your hand to shield your eyes from the sun before you looked at him.

"What do you mean?" you ask.

"When I have to start travelling, you know, like for when I have to work, for acting," he tells you.

"Don't go getting all famous and forget me now," you tease him with a smile. Harrison turns on his side and leans up on his elbow to lean over you. Reaching up with his other hand, he brushes a strand of hair away from your forehead and behind your ear.

"How could I forget someone as beautiful as you, Y/N?" he almost whispers. You scoff at him and push his hand away as you laugh.

"Shut up," you tell him as you turn your head away. "I was joking. You couldn't forget me, I'd harass you too much."

"This is true," he laughs, "But I'm being serious." He puts a finger under your chin and turns your head back to look in your eyes. "What if I told you I've been in love with you since we were kids?" Suddenly you couldn't breathe. Your best friend of 18 years is sitting here telling you he's been in love with you for forever and you don't know what to say. "Please say something," he begs you after awhile of silence. You take a breath before you speak.

"Please don't do this," you nearly whisper as you push him back and sit up, turning away.

"Y/N?" he calls. You shake your head and sniffle. "Look at me... please," he pleads with you. Slowly you turn back to him and eventually raise your eyes to meet his. You're shocked when you see nothing but love in the crystal blue eyes you've known over the years. How had you not seen it before? Was he that good at hiding it? He raises a hand to wipe the tears that had fallen from your eyes. "I don't mean to upset you. I just thought it was best to finally tell you," he explains.

"Why...? If you've loved me that long... why wait this long to tell me? Why not sooner?" you ask.

"I... I'm not sure how to answer that," he shrugs his shoulder. "Part of it was because I was scared and another part was because I didn't want to lose you as my friend." You nod your head when he's finished. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I waited so long," he tells you quietly. You both sit in the silence for a couple minutes before he speaks again. "Are you okay?"

"Honesty... I don't know," you say quietly. "I just... need some... space." You hated saying the last word to him, it was Harrison, you've never needed space or time away from him, but this was throwing you fo a loop. You couldn't think straight at the moment and you needed to be alone to make your head stop spinning. You felt your heart clench when you saw his face fall at your words. "I'm sorry, Haz. I'm not trying to hurt you. This is just a lot for me and I can't get my head clear and I kind of feel dizzy and I need everything to stop," you explain.

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