The New Girl (part 1)

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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Word count: 4,884

Warnings: Swearing, angst, fluff, mentions of past abuse

Requested: No, but this is for  uglypastels' writing challenge. My prompt was for my story to be based on the TV show Teen Wolf. I hope this does it justice lol

Summary: Y/N is new in town and can tell something is different in Beacon Hills. Will she find out what it is? Is it something bad? Or is it something good?

This was new to you, this town. You knew something was different here in Beacon Hills but you couldn't quite put your finger on it just yet. You had just moved here a week ago and you were still adjusting to your new life and new job as the receptionist at the Sheriff's station. You had heard some strange calls come in and hadn't really heard plausible explanations for them, but you just shrugged it off and figured if it was that important then it would be taken care of, so you left things alone. Today, two girls walk in looking for the Sheriff who had went out on one of those calls. You informed the girls of this and they asked who you were seeing as they didn't know you.

"I'm Y/N. I just moved here last week," you said shyly as you sat at your desk looking back and forth between the strawberry blonde haired girl and the light brown haired girl.

"Oh, okay. That explains why I don't know you," the strawberry blonde smiles.

"She knows everyone," the light brown haired girl says with a roll of her eyes.

"Shut up, Malia. I can't help I was popular in high school. Besides, it's good to know a lot of people... It can help you out someday. I'm Lydia and this is Malia. Welcome to Beacon Hills," Lydia says as she holds out her hand to you. You hesitantly reach out and shake her hand. "Don't mind Malia," Lydia laughs. "She has... a way with words. You should come to my party tomorrow, meet some people and hang out," she offers.

"I... don't know about that," you hesitate.

"I insist," Lydia comments with a stern face.

"Okay then," you say with a tight smile.

"Great," Lydia says as a huge smile breaks out on her face. "Saturday night. Party is at 8 but people usually come early around 6:30-7. See you there." You breathe a sigh of relief as they turn and walk out the door leaving you in peace. You felt a slight urge to panic but you fought against it. Maybe Lydia's party wouldn't be so bad and maybe you could make some new friends. You took a deep breath. Once your shift was over you went home and searched through your closet for the perfect outfit for the party. After looking through your clothes a few times you decide on a simple bright blue sundress since it's still hot outside at night. The next night, your nerves are getting the better of you so you decide to have a drink while you get ready to help calm you. Once you found your hair and makeup to be to your liking you slipped your dress and shoes on and headed to Lydia's. Ringing the doorbell, it wasn't long before she answered the door. "Y/N! You made it! Come in!" she said happily with a smile as she ushered you in the door. You followed her through to the kitchen where she got you a drink. "Here you go. My specialty, of course. You know Malia, but this is Stiles, Scott, Kira, Liam, Isaac, Mason, and Brett. Guys this is Y/N. She just moved here a week ago and she's working at the Sheriff's station," Lydia introduces you to everyone there. They all welcome you warmly giving you the feeling that you might actually have made the right decision in moving here.

"Anything you need just come to one of us," Scott tells you with a smile before he walks off with Kira.

"Thank you," you say with a shy smile.

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