Little White Lies 7 (Haz)

199 3 0

Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader

Word count: 3,367

Warnings: Swearing, Tom Holland, Holland Twins, Zendaya (mentioned as "Z"), magic, blood, violence, angst, tiniest bit of fluff if you squint near the end

Requested: No.

Summary: Who was the man at the door? What does he want with Y/N?

Once everything was cleared and the furniture replaced, you all sat in the living room together and tried to relax. You were all just chatting and had finally gotten things off your mind when there was a knock at the door. You all looked around the room at each other.

"Expecting anyone?" you asked them. They all shook their heads no before Tom stood up and walked to the door. He looked through the peephole and turned back to the group.

"It's a man I don't recognize. Do I open?" he asks.

"We're all here. It's good," Harrison tells him. Tom opens the door and the man turns around to face him.

"Can I help you, mate?" Tom asks as the man smiles at him.

"I sure hope so. I'm looking for Y/N," he explains.

Your head snaps around to look at the door when you hear your name. A feeling of dread washing over you as you see Tom step aside to let the man in and you look into the eyes you hadn't seen in over 800 years. You grabbed onto Harrison's arm and squeezed as you took a breath in.

"E-edgar...?" you said in shock.

"Hello, my love. It's nice to see you again," he said with a sickly sweet smile as he walked towards your group. "It's been so long."

"H-how is this possible?" you stammer out making him chuckle as you feel Harrison pull you into his side.

"Well, you see... I had a feeling that you might run, so... when I forced that innocent little witch to do my curse... I had her put in a little... 'loophole,' you might call it, a safety clause" he says with a laugh as he takes a seat across from you. "My intention with the curse was to take away your happiness as you did mine, make you suffer. Therefore, I took away your memory about being immortal, making you think you were human and hid your vampire side. The deal was, if you ever broke the curse that made your pure blood side dormant, I would be brought back to life as my former self, completely healed." Everyone exchanged glances with each other nervously.

"Why are you here?" Harrison asked him.

"For her," he simply stated, his eyes never leaving yours.

"That's not something that can happen," Tom told him.

"She's been linked, pure blood side awoken... She's the Queen here. She won't be going with you," Z told him.

"We'll see about that," he says with a smirk on his face as he looks from Z to you. "There's always a way to break a link..." You nervously look up at Harrison before you turn your attention back to Edgar.

"Why would I go with you?" you ask.

"To protect your friends... of course," he explains as he stands up and walks towards the door. You think he's leaving, you hope he is.

"From what?" you question as he reached the door.

"Well... to be quite honest... my friends," he half laughs as he opens the door and everyone's eyes go wide as you see 5 werewolves walk through the door.

"Z, stay close," you tell her. She nods her head as she takes her place behind you and Harrison. By this time, your circle is in a straight line, eyes glowing, fangs and claws bared, ready to fight as you stare down your opponents.

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