My Demon (Harrison) (Writing Challenge)

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Pairing: Demon!Harrison x Nephilim!Reader

Word count: 3,801

Warnings: tiny bit of angst, fluff, Demon AU

Requested: No. This was for @Parkerspeters & @gab-spidey 's writing challenge where I had the song prompt "Sucker" by the Jonas Brothers & @Peterparkerstingle's writing challenge where I had the demon/angel AU. No lyrics were used so nothing will be bolded. I just used the song as a reference to shape the fic.

Summary: Y/N learns she is a Nephilim. Half Angel, half human. She also learns she has to choose between the good side or the evil side. Which does she choose?

The rules for your kind were simple... Once you reached a certain point in your life, you would have to choose a side... Good or Evil... You were one of the Nephilim... half Angel, half human. No one in Heaven accepted you and everyone in Hell hated you, that's why you were all here on Earth. Only, you didn't know what you were... Your mother didn't really tell you and never knew your father. Your mother rarely spoke of him before she passed, only to tell you that he was truly a good man. She told you that one day you would have to choose between the light and the dark. At the time, you didn't know what she meant but now, on this day you did. You had been sitting in your apartment working on an assignment for your boss at the newspaper you work for when suddenly your power went out. You froze in your chair, looking around to see if the lights were of across in the next building... they were not. You furrowed your brow in confusion as you turned your attention back to your apartment and you see a figure in your living room causing you to let out a small yelp as you leap up from your seat.

"Don't be scared, young one. I come in peace," you hear a calm female voice tell you. You swallow thickly as you stare at the figure. "You're safe. No one is going to hurt you. I'm just here to tell you that you are going to have visitors other than me, from both sides. Please, be wary with these beings... some of them cannot be trusted. They are going to try to persuade you to join them. As much as I would like to tell you not to, I cannot. It is against the rules for me to do so. You must choose your own fate."

"So... you're saying... I have to choose between good and evil?" you ask in a shaky voice as the figure nods. "Wow... mom wasn't kidding..." you mutter to yourself.

"No, she wasn't," the figure says.

"You knew my mother?" you ask.

"Not very well, but yes. I met her a few times," she tells you.

"Did you know my father?" you question.

"Yes," she tells you. "He's one of the highest of Angels."

"What can you tell me?" you plead.

"All I can tell you is that he loves you very much. He's kept watch over you since you were born and will continue to do so until you make your choice," she tells you. Your hearts warms with her confession but turns quickly to confusion.

"Until I make my choice?" you question.

"Yes, after that, you are your own person, he will not be able to watch over you as much as he does now," she explains. "I can say no more." You nod your head in understanding.

"Thank you," you give her a small smile.

"Of course," she returns your smile. "Just be prepared for more visitors... and be cautious." You nod your head in understanding before you see a light begin to appear around her. As the light grows brighter, you shield your eyes until it's too bright to see then you close them. Once the light dies down, you open them to see the power is back on, the angel is gone, and you didn't lose any of the work you had done.

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