Have you ever wondered about the fragility of life.
Not just life snatched away by war or disease,
but by ones own hand.
Have you ever wondered how it would feel if you jumped?
Would you feel like you were flying free, or would you just be filled with terror?
Have you looked at the blueish veins just beneath your skin;
It flows with material forged from the dying breaths of stars.
Would it still look like stars when it flowed out from under your skin?
Or would the deep red be the last thing you saw?
How many minds like mine have pondered our final moments so thoroughly?
How many lives have just begun, but are now waiting for the end?
How many others have thought about leaving everything behind?
The answer seemed simple.
But somedays I look at the horizon from the edge of a cliff.
And breathe. I am lucky to be able to see such a view.
Some days I look at my veins and remind myself--
My veins flow with material forged from the dying breaths of stars.
I am a miracle all by myself.
If I stopped living now, I'd never be able to see the night sky again.
I'd never laugh again.
I'd only leave pain filled memories in the minds of the people that loved me.
I'd leave questions that could never be answered.
I remind myself that the feeling of the end doesn't mean it's the end.
The end never means the end
Me being a drama queen haha. Anyways I'm all good now the stress of finals is just catching up to me right now. Like it's 2 in the morning and I'm still working on trig stuff. If anyone wants to explain vectors to me I'm down to be educated.