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Seokjin was very adamant in sending his six friends home to earth as he took another glimpse of the six boys still stomping their feet on the ground like little kids.

"hyunggg" jungkook wailed loudly as he hugged the older's torso.

Seokjin chuckled half-heartedly and ran his fingers through jungkook's hair.

He would miss this.

All the happy smiles he shared with everyone and all the laughter.

If only the war wasn't gonna happen, he wouldn't be sending them to such an unknown place.

Seokjin had took it upon himself as the father-figure in the group and took responsibility to take care of them.Being friends with this dorky fluffballs were a risk too.

He had got too attached with them.

He tried to memorise everyone.One by one as the time ticked slowly, reminding him that there was not much time until the portal would be closed.

Namjoon. He was an intellectual and too clever for his own good.The way he thought out of the box was spectacular, he would always think things out of the ordinary and he was one of seokjin's closest friends.

He smiled at the sight of Namjoon smiling,showing off his dimples in just the right way.

Next up was yoongi.Who brightly beamed at the attention seokjin had gave.Even if the boy was quite harsh and blunt to everyone,Seokjin saw a different side of him instead.

Yoongi could be so unpredictable at times but he has the undistinguishable fire and desire in him that made him the most stubborn one in the group.

sigh.Seokjin would love to be him,he wished to not give up easily,just like min yoongi.

Then,there was jung hoseok.The sun in the group.The cheerful lad who wouldn't let anyone know of his sadness and dying mentality.

He was an optimistic guy who held the charismatic charm of litting up a room with his smile and voice,just like the sun.

Seokjin wished to be happy too.

Beside hoseok was a crying park jimin.Sporting his chubby cheeks with wet tears.

"i dont wanna go" jimin repeated.his fist clenching on his side.

The boy was very angry at the news since he could see the green mist already escaping through the cracks of his body.

"i dont want this to happen to jimin" seokjin muttered lowly,looking down so the virus of jimin's tears wouldn't affect him.

Kim taehyung had his head hung low as he counted all the posibilities.This was his home and leaving it would make him miss it more.He had the fear of humans and coincidentally everyone had it too.

Seokjin could probably hear taehyung's thoughts well since he faced the boy sadly and began explaining to him.

He was sad at the abrupt change in Taehyung and he would do anything to get his hyper friend back.

"this place is not safe anymore tae"

"what about you hyung?" jungkook asked instead,his brown orbs shifting to a blue colour for a second as he struggled hard to control his powers.

"i need to lead my men and protect this world kook"

Everyone hung their head low at the answer.Seokjin was the leader of an underworld realm, Kruptos.Hidden yet very powerful.

But once a neighbouring realm provoked them,it stirred war among everyone.

Seokjin managed to get advice from his trusted future-reader whom had convinced him to send the six boys to earth for safety...and for their powers.

Time is ticking

The future-reader's words repeated itself like a broken casset in his head.

it's time

Seokjin finally made his choice once he had looked up to take his last glance on all the boys.

"im gonna miss you guys" the boys started tearing up at his words.

"we'll see each other soon " he added.

As the device stepped closer,it soon engulfed the six males with its blinding light.

Seokjin let a few tears to finally slip from his eyes as he realized one thing.

The boys were his happiness.Taking them away would be just like taking away his happiness.But he would rather take them away to another place rather than having them killed.


they were gone

As if on cue,some panicked soldiers started to rush to his throne.Some were injured with little drops on blood coating their fabric.

"sir they have breached the g-" just as the poor soldier was about to finish his sentence,red laser had pierced through his body causing the poor soldier to gurgled out a fountain filled with blood at the gaping hole on its neck.The dead soldier finally slumped to the floor,snapping Seokjin to reality.

Seokjin gasped as soon as the blood touched his face.But he was horrified at the sight of the familiar man he despised standing at the front entrance of his palace.

It was his enemy

The man smiled cruelly with a lightsaber gun on his hand, "say..we met again?"

"what do you want Zero?"

"playing the dumb-role again?" Zero asked,readying the lightsaber gun on his hand.

"lets have a lil chit chat"

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