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it had been approximately 15 days after the whole ordeal.

Namjoon had been wise enough to repeat the places they were each assigned to.Right now,they had been dropped in an unknown firest where night had come by but with yoongi's fire powers,he formed a round fire ball.Its bright light enough to illuminate the place they were at.

Before they teleport to the mortal world,seokjin had a special quest given to each of the boys.

It was placed in a quartz crystal which glowed in their specific colour.

Namjoon had blue,Hoseok had green,Yoongi had orange,jimin had purple and taehyung had pink.

but jungkook had a peculiar one.it was black.

Jungkook ignored everyone's weirded out stare by laughing at Taehyung's pink crystal.

"pink?" Taehyung scowled at the boy.But as soon as he saw the black crystal on jungkook's hand,he started to laugh too.

"black pink in your a-"

"everybody please be serious" Namjoon muttered.

"you know what to do right?" everyone nodded at Namjoon's question.

"goodluck in hiding" He said as soon as everyone said the words,and one by one,they dissapeared into a puff of vibrant colours.

"aufereteur" Namjoon spoke the magical words to the crystal while closing his eyes.The puff finally sounded and he opened his eyes,expecting to be infront of a beautiful beach but he was suprised to see that he was actually on the same place.



He snapped his neck in suprise at the voice.Glancing down at his crystal,he noticed how brighter it glowed.

He confidently strode further to the direction he was asked and used the crystal as his source of light.


Once he had found the place,he was again suprised at how simple his soon-to-be permanent home.It was a farm cottage.Even in the dark night,it looked so peaceful and just....safe.

The green field of empty grass spread further,creating a quite gaping distance between him and his home.

you're here joon

Namjoon finally realized who the voice belonged to.It was seokjin.

His eyes brighten in a smile as he tried to communicate to the crystal.Which must've seemed stupid to people as he stopped and clarified his thoughts.

maybe seokjin-hyung had just recorded his voice in this crystal

The boy tsked and jinggled the door knob.The door creaked slowly and he blindly searched for the light switch.

He sighed sadly at the futile attempt of searching for the lightswitch so he took matters into his own hands and formed a blue ball of energy projection onto his palm.

this place is perfect!

He thought as he stared at the objects littering the whole place.There were books,music instruments and food to support his whole living.Even with the amount of food stocked in the refrigerator,he knew it wouldn't last him that long so he had to find a job.

tommorow's task: find a job


The next day passed by quickly with the lights streaming down the cracks of the curtains in Namjoon's bedroom.

The boy groaned softly at the bright light and proceeds to get himself ready for his task.If he was going to find a job,he needs to look good.

First impressions matter

After he spoke the name of the place he was heading too,the crystal on his hand glowed brightly and he dissapeared from view.

leaving nothing on its wake.

Author's note:
so wattpad decided to temporarily delete all the 4 chapters i cried real tears yall :"))

but then it appeared once again thankfully so enjoy this chapter

the action won't start around this part honestly :3

but let me know if any of you guys are enjoying this chappie

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