'They Told Me to Get Help' Letter

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November, the 27th

Dear Lexi,

I really hope you’re doing fine. The other day on my way to work, I drove past your house and got this huge urge to stop by and knock on the door; Which is stupid, because I know you wouldn’t answer me;

Well, it’s technically your old house anyways. Now you live quite far away with your new life and all. I can’t stop wondering if you’re happy. But I think that if you weren’t you would talk to me… Or at least give me some vague sign that you actually do care.

My friends at work have been telling me that I look thinner, and once I’ve actually stood shirtless in front of the mirror, I noticed that I have, in fact, lost some pounds and that my ribs are starting to show a little bit… To be honest it didn’t surprise me at all, I haven’t eaten properly ever since you left the house; I used to come home from work and be able to smell some delicious dinner you would be preparing. Sometimes when I open the front door I still think I can smell the healthy scent of your special chicken soup, which you usually made when both of us used to catch a cold at the same time in the winter time; But it’s nothing other than just one of the many delusions that I still experience from not being used to living without you.

I know that we only lived together in this house for a year and a couple months, but to be honest, without you here, it doesn’t feel like home anymore.

On another note, my best pal from the office, Josh, -you know him, he used to come and have lunch with us sometimes- he told me that he thought I should get therapeutic help. At first I was a little reluctant towards the idea, but he explained that it would be good for me to just vent with someone that can actually understand and interpret my thoughts and the way I’m facing this situation. I don’t know if I should do it, though; Writing down these letters every now and then has been lifting a huge weight from my shoulders; But I swear, when he told me to get help and I got hesitant, my first thought was, ‘Maybe I should ask Lexi first, for her opinion.’ And then again, reality hit me like a thunder, and I remembered again, that I couldn’t.

I know I can’t predict the future, but I am starting to think that perhaps I won’t ever really be willing to stand the possibility that you won’t come back to me- ever.

I still miss you too much, though.



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