Trapped in Philodelphia- Yellow Fever 1793

21 0 0

Yellow-streaked eyes,

She coughs


Upon the crisp

White sheets.

Clip clop

The horse

The hearse

"Bring out your dead."

She's not dead yet,

On this bed

She lays,



But she is close.

Her old yellow handkercheif



Tied to the door

"Don't come in.  Here lies the sick." It says

I hate it.

I must change her sheets,

And cool her skin

Collect her coughs

In a bucket of tin.

I msut watch her suffering


Once a strong woman,

Now naught but dust.

Her eyelids flutter,

She relaxes

The lights leave her eyes.

Her chest is cold,

Her pulse is no more.

"Bring out your dead!"

Clip Clop


Out the window

To the hearse

The yellow strip of cloth

And I cry.

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