Fortnite and Raging

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The days passed by smoothly as New Year eventually came. After all the celebrations passed, you decided to take suggestions from your fans for your next video. You posted a tweet to get some answers and you instantly got spammed with ideas for... a Fortnite gameplay. You still decided to do it even though you knew you would regret it in some way. Since you needed a computer, you decide to go ask Lannan. You go up to him and say.

'' - Hi Lannan! Can I borrow your computer for a video?

   - Depends on the video. What is it?

   - Playing Fortnite... My fans spammed me with that when I asked them for a video idea.

   - Hmmm. Then I want to have the front row seats when you rage.

   - Who says I'm going to rage?

   - I know you Y/N. You raged the first time you played. I'm sure you are going to rage.

   - Who knows? So can I use your computer or no?

   - Yep sure! I'm going to enjoy watching you rage. ''

You hit him on the shoulder and say.

'' - Oh shut up. ''

He starts laughing as you both head to his computer. He lets you borrow his account to play and he goes to sit near to see you rage. You start the recording, sitting pretty annoyed on the chair. You say.

'' - Hi guys! So I asked you guys for suggestions on Twitter and you came up with... a Fortnite gameplay... You are all going to enjoy seeing me rage as I'm going to regret asking you guys for suggestions so let's get on with this so I can finish my future torture as soon as possible. By the way, Lannan has front row seats for this so if you hear laughing in the middle of my recording, it's probably him laughing at me for failing. ANYWAYS let's get into this. ''

You start playing a solo game and die a few minutes after starting. You did that a few more times as you raged even more at people killing you.


   - No he killed you because you are bad. Different stuff. '' Lannan says, laughing.

'' - Wow thanks for being so honest. '' you say sarcastically.

'' - No problem! ''

You rolled your eyes and continued playing some games... with raging because of the failure. Soon enough, everyone in the house came to watch the scene. Kath asked.

'' - What's happening?

   - She asked for suggestions for her video, her fans asked her to play Fortnite. Now here she is raging because she keeps dying. It's kinda funny. '' Lannan says.

As he finished his sentence, you start screaming. Elliott asks you.

'' - What's up?

    - I KILLED SOMEONE!!!! ''

They looked at you in a funny way before laughing. As you didn't quite understand why they were laughing, you go back to playing when you realised you were killed during your ''celebration''. You look at the screen in disbelief as everyone was dying of laughter. You say to the camera.

'' - I quit. I hope you enjoyed seeing me rage and fail and I'll see you all in the next one! Don't forget to like and subscribe if you want to see stuff like this. I have the high feeling it's going to happen but I'll try to avoid that. Bye guys! ''

You stop the recording before looking at the others, before starting to laugh yourself. You have to admit it was kind of ridiculous the raging you made.

After laughing for a while and editing your video, you finally post it to your channel where it instantly got a bunch of views the minute you posted it. They were apparently waiting for it...

The rest of your day goes pretty smoothly as usual. You decided to watch some videos in your room before it was dinner time. You take out your computer and start watching some videos before you hear knocking on the door. You say.

'' - Come in! ''

You then see Elliott coming in the room. You take your eyes off your computer and say.

'' - Hi! What's up?

   - Just wanted to say your raging scene was pretty fun.

   - I can see you enjoyed. 

   - I did! So what are you doing?

   - Just watching some videos. Nothing much.

   - Nothing dumb I hope?

   - What if it was? ''

He then comes to sit next to you. He says.

'' - I'll have to watch some with you then. 

    - Sure I guess! Having some company doesn't hurt I guess.

    - Company is not what you miss right now. You have plenty of company.

    - True that. ''

You then both start watching some funny cat videos (a/n: sorry cats are just too funny and cute I had to) until it was time to eat. 

The evening was pretty calm. The crew decided to watch a movie, as always. Of course, you fall asleep in the middle of the movie as the war between Lannan and Elliott kept going. At the end of the movie, you wake up to go to your room to sleep. 

As always, the day goes well. 

In your opinion, it's what you thought.

But in reality, you are yet again that clueless girl in the middle of what can be called a kind of a war that is basically you stuck between Lannan and Elliott...

... willing to do anything to be with you.


 Wooooo! It's the book's first month anniversary! 

Thanks guys for the support! It means a lot!

- Amy <3

(after ages I shall finally upload woooo)

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