Chapter 5

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Dylan ended up coming back in the middle of are conversation . We were just talking about when we were little i was talking about my childhood cause he said i should go first so i did . But i tend to feel bad cause i blabber on about everything like im doing to you right now . I tend to over think things a lot of the time most of the time . But anyway i was taking about a memory of me and my brothers .

'' We were eating alfredo chicken pena pasta and Damien was fooling around with his pasta and jumping up and down on the chair . It was the oldest chair and who ever sat there had to be super careful on the chair but of course Damien could not sit still at all always jumping everywhere . So he was jumping up and down cause he had appernatly ate something super spicy . Which there were no spicy thiungs in the pasta . But anyway the back chair legs broke and he went and smashed his face into the pasta he tried to get up but ended up knocking my pasta all over my new ballet dress . I was screaming and crying and slipped on top of Damien and Dylan tried to help me up knocking his pasta un top of me . My parwents couln't stop laughing at us . I was barried in pasta sauce at that point . It was like a figure skating rink . At the end i was pure red instead of white the white floors were pure red and Damien couldn't get up he was stuck to the floor . '' i said .

'' Really ? That happened ? '' he asked

'' We were some pretty clumsy kids terribly clumsy . My parents didn't trust me with glass so as a kid i was only a loud plastic cups and plastic bowls . I dropped everything you wouldn't belive .'' I say he just kept chuckling at my story i kinda felt like even though i sorta just met him that i could tell him anything . Stuff i couldn't even tell my parents i was an open book with him it was good .

'' You have any stories that you'd like to share with me ? '' i ask

'' Well when i was a little kid i grew up with 4 older brothers . And at dinner time we would all tackle each other for the ' good seat ' which was a big black cushion seat . My brother would always get it one night Jay my oldest brother got there first like always but Hayes had the pasta sauce it was a huge pot that you make turkey stew out of but he dumped it on Jay . All of it oozing down his arms and his ' perfect hair ' as he always said . He got up and chased us slipping on pasta sauce as he went he pulled me down in the pool of pasta sauce and started punching me in the gut as a joke . My brothers came trampling by us and of course Hayes being the clumsy one falling on Jays head . I was the smallest out of all of us i was the youngest but i squeezed out from under them and went to the big chair grabbing a towel as i went and wrapped it around me . My mom came in shocked as usual we did stuff like that all the time . But she was very shocked this time . She shrieked at her white floor which was now red all of it . My dad came in a picked me up over his shoulder and putting me back in the pool and grabbed the rest of my brothers and rolled them in the pasta sauce my mom kept yelling at my dad to see what he was doing he got down in the sauce and wrestled with us my mom grabbed the mop and tried to mop me off . Why she did it i will never know . '' he said . What does he mean he'll never know ? i asked myself . I felt bad about asking but i had to know .

'' What do you mean you'll never know ? '' i asked

'' My mom died from a car crash after driving us to the movies . You know what i said to her ? '' he asked me .

'' What did she say ? '' i asked i really didn't want him to tell if it was gonna make him sad but i wanted to know maybe i could help him .

" I regret it everyday she tried to hug me and you know what i said don't touch me , I'm 16 i don't want hugs from you . And on her way back home she got in a car crash and didn't make it . Thats all i said never told her i loved her at all now i don't even have the chance . I was an idiot to tell her that . " he said . We had just finished are desserts and Dylan was now gone .

" Hey , hey you didn't know that was gonna happen . And teenagers are weird and get angry really fast she knows you were just angry and she knows that you loved her very much . " I say . He just looked down and played with his hands should i bring up Stacy ? No , no i cant do that it would hurt me to much . But its hurting him . SADIE DO SOMETHING ! By that time he had grabbed my hand and lead me to the lake where there was a picnic blanket . I knew what i was gonna do .

" Hey you know i had a sister right . She was Stacy beautiful she was 6 years older than me . I didn't really understand what happened but now i do . I was 12 when she died i umm was playing with my toys and there was a knock on the door i went and got it and there was a police man standing at my door . He bent down infront of me a d asked if he could talk to my mommy so i went and got her . That night Stacy went out to a party she said one of her friends were staying sober so my mom let her go . I was holding my mommys hand as she walked to the door the police man told her that Stacy had been in a car crash because the driver was drunk i didn't understand death i was 12 . Mommy i asked wheres Stacy ? My mom told me she was gone so i thought she meant to go to the store . But later in my 14 th year i learned that she actually died because of a drunken driver i had to go to court . We had a funeral and i was never so depressed ,in my life . Me and Stacy were best friends and cause of the driver who was supposed to stay sober but didn't shes gone . Before she left i was whining at the door asking her not to go but all she said was its ok sadie ill be back i promise i love you ok she said and all i said was i love you . She promised that person was gonna stay sober she lied to me , and my mom . At the point in my life i barley wanted to get up in the morning and i would always look at that empty bed that Stacy used to lay in and the chair she used to sit in . Flashbacks of us playing together in the back always flashed in my head . I cant ever forget her . Shes stuck there you know . " I say . I realized i had a pool of tears coming out of my eyes ( that sounded stupid ) . Jason came closer to me and put me under his arm wiping my tears and snuggling me .

" You know your eyes shine like a billion stars . " He says

" Your so cheesy but i love it . " I say . I started to shiver even though it was summer the nights were freezing . He noticed and took of his sweater . Under he had a long sleeve shirt on . That said the play hard or go home . He gave me the sweater i put it on and i laid on his lap . He started stroking my hair .

" Do you ever think about when we were little ? " He asks

" What do you mean ? " i ask

" When we were 5 we used to be best friends . And once on the playground we kissed . " He said looking up in the sky . I remember now i was his best friend and he was my crush i loved him . So i kissed him really thats all was to it .

" Yah you were my first grade crush . " I say . I could feel my cheeks getting hot . I looked up to see him smirking. I just looked at the lake .

" You were mine to . " Was all he said. I ended up falling asleep but he woke me up . We walked back to my cottage hand and hand . He stopped at my door and we sorta just stood there .

" This was fun . You wanna go out again sometime ? " I ask looking down

" How about tomorrow ." He asks

" Defiantly . " i leaned in a kissed him on the lips. Woah i felt fireworks i thought that was only in fairytales .

" Good night . " I say and open the door he kinda just stands there with a huge grin on his face .

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