Chapter 57

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Niall and I met up with my parents at the restaurant. They were waiting in their separate cars to no surprise. I'm sure they didn't want to spend more time together than they had to and I was fine with that. I liked them better separated. They waited to get out until they saw us pull up. My mom was the first one over to us.

"Hi, you must be Niall." She hugged him and he looked over at me trying not laugh as he hugged her back. I tried not to laugh at how friendly and forward my mom was being, but it didn't work. She still wasn't as forward as Niall's mom had ever been. "I'm Stacy. I'm Sam's mom, but you probably assumed that. I've heard so much about you. I'm glad I finally get to meet you."

"I'm glad I get to meet you too." My dad walked over to us and hugged me and shook Niall's hand.

"I'm Parker, Sam's Dad. It's nice to meet you." Niall laughed a little.

"Nice to meet you too." Niall just followed along, but it was too funny to not correct my dad. Even my mom had a smile on her face since she knew about them meeting before.

"Dad. You've met him."

"I have?"

"Yeah, like a ton of times actually." My dad looked back and forth at us like he was confused.

"When?" He genuinely didn't remember Niall, but I guess it had been a few years ago.

"He used to come over to the house almost every day when we were in high school. He was my tutor, and he was also my boyfriend then too. It was our senior year. You saw him all the time. You don't remember?"

"Oh. No. I'm sorry." He had a complete blank stare on his face.

"You really still don't remember?"

"No not really. I'm sorry." I nodded my head knowing I had to make him remember. Niall looked over at me and I already knew the same thing was going through his head. I threw my hands up and rolled my eyes before bringing my hands slapping back down against my legs. I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked down at the ground.

"You walked in on us trying to have sex one time. Now do you remember?" Niall started blushing and rubbed his face before looking back at my dad. He slowly nodded his head unsurprised by me bringing that up. I felt bad I had created this eye contact between them. It was awkward just to witness. I couldn't imagine how they felt. Niall hesitated before he corrected me.

"For the record, we weren't actually having sex when you caught us. It just looked a little bit like that."

"Yeah. I remember you now. Vividly. I had blocked that out of my memory." Niall started doing his shy fidgeting. He nodded his head again and started rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I'd imagine that's not something you'd forget easily. I tried to block it out too. I'm sorry."

"Well, I guess it nice to officially meet you in a different setting."

"Yeah, this is a much better way." I laughed at how awkward I made it for all of us. My mom stepped into the conversation, and I just wanted what I started to end.

"What? When did that happen? Why did no one tell me? I'm your mother. Your father should have told me."

"We weren't friends when we were married, so I just kept it to myself. You know now though." My dad smiled at my mom and she shook her head and we all laughed. "Let's just go eat." We followed behind my parents towards the restaurant. I buried my face against Niall's arm and quietly laughed. He leaned closer to me and lowered his voice.

"Was that really necessary Samantha?" I looked up at him to see him shaking his head and smiling. He looked down at me. "You're ridiculous. I still don't think your dad likes me though. I should have just pretended I was someone different. We could have let him not remember me. I could have been someone new. I could have made a better first impression, but you had to open that big mouth of yours and bring up us having sex. It would have been fine if he didn't remember me."

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