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Previously on IELB
Faruk muhammad ghazaali is in Nigeria and we've learnt that he's a well--introvert and yes! After witnessing the drama of his family, we've also seen how desperate they are to get him a wife, again, we've seen a girl friend, and a little of our prologue from his point of view.


Shall we?

A mission,

A vision,

An illusion.

Abuja, Nigeria.
January, 2010.
      The relatively high dense air flew in different directions floating easily and gently in its buoyant nature,The wafting scent of flamboyance that can only be found in the heart of Africa.

     As he moved down the misleading highways and routes that were completely changed from what he had left, ten years back, he couldn't help how reflexive his eyes grew in grasping almost each and every detail his windows, mirrors and car screens gave him the privilege of viewing.

   In awe, and reverance, as he drove few minutes out of Nnamdi Azikwe Airport,  he noticed a newly accessed university just alongside the permanent site of the geographical area,

   Still, as his eyes sparkled, unlike most times he didnt allow them to, he observed the lustrous oval plates, each sitting in a presumptuous style gracing the colour of the country's flag, Green, white, green.

    It was like a welcoming choir,it was as if, the shiny edges of the silvern emblem sang in an assembled code, they glowed below the lined up illuminated street lamps, oh, what was that word?


       Diverting his gaze back to the global positioning system that was televisioned at the midpoint of his front board, he found it tricky to identify Aviolar palace, which happened to be the grand private residence he was lounging at, from his current location.

       Someone might say, from how unsure he moved his vehicle, he was an untrained car learner, his phone happened to buzz just when he was starting to get a hang of the tracking device.

   'Ummee' ,it read, Farouk stared at it for a while before raising his gaze back to the road he was travelling on, and after mumbling a basmala:in the name of Allah, to him self, he answered the phone call,

"ummee As-salaamu alayki;peace be upon you"  he greeted,

"Wa alaykas salam;And unto you too, peace" she replied, and somehow, farouk knew her reply would last only for a few seconds, and so, he waited composedly, for the director to pound the number screen, mentally counting the entities 3-2-1,action!, he sighed as she began bombarding him with questions,

"Have you reached safely? And food?,have you eaten?, how are you? Are you at the residence yet? And where is she?" With no pause for a breath,his mother threw all questions,And with no doubt, he knew three set of earlobe were pinned to the device from the other end, Mainly, and surely for the answer to the last question she asked.

     Again, he was aware of the fact that, it wasn't kind to be annoyed or angry whenever one's parent acted weirdly or absurdly.

    The prophet of Allah(peace be upon him),never encouraged that, rather he had termed people whose parent were still alive as the lucky ones. He the prophet;peace be upon him,never did have his parent alive as he grew up, even so, he emphasized greatly on their elevated positions and the importance of obedience  to them, in support of that, it is only appropriate to listen carefully and not raise a voice of dismal or disrespect when they speak, even if they were to repeat the same story over and over again at numerous occasions, listen! Even smile and react positively to those stories.

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