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Previously on IELB
In the previous chapter, Ukhtee was in the Intentive care unit, with both her life and her baby's life at risk, and Muneenah had a way of making Farouk reduce his fear of death. Another part was Mr. Ghazaali telling Farouk to divorce his wife, why? When? We do not know.

"The password is ninaf"

Ninaf was a dream she once had with him.

"Do you Muneenah yaseer sheikh, accept Farouk Muhammad ghazaali as your husband upon the agreed mahr?"

"Yes I do".


"no need for that mum!I've found a wife" I heard him say before he demonstrated to me with his fingers to enter the car"

Read on,




June, 2010,
Dubai, UAE,
Emirates high, Ghazaali residence.


I ran in the dark ignoring the heavy and unentertaining pains in my body, I had different feelings running down in me, different emotions were flushing through me, what to do? I couldn't know, and I didn't know. Out of nowhere, a car came with full speed and almost hit me, I used my hand as a protection, the head lights were flashing on me, it looked at if I was the only one there, my tears were still falling within my nikab. Reality hit me and I realized that I was suppose to be running, I quickly went towards the driver's side, I kept hitting at the glass for seconds before it windowed down, I didn't mind looking at the owner, I didn't care if he was good or bad, a killer or a saviour, what mattered to me was that he wasn't someone I knew, at least I could trust him better that those deceitful family,"please--please....help..me-- i need to leave here at this moment,please take me anywhere!please, I need to leave!I beg of you, Help me!" I said without taking a breadth, I broke down. He didn't answer, I looked at him to realize he was on his mobile, "no need for that mum!I've found a wife" I heard him say before he demonstrated to me with his fingers to enter the car"

At that moment, teddy bear, my heartbeat increased, it was hard trusting someone I did not know of, but they were almost at my trail, I couldn't, that was the only choice I had, to enter the only vehicle that was there.

From the car, i could see glimpses of them, undoubtedly searching for me, I wonder how sediq can be very heartless, i knew he was heartless, not just to stoop this low for something that isn't his to begin with.

I did not know where we were heading to, but I trusted and will always trust my lord to take care of me, inshaAllah.

Yours,teddy pie.

Muneenah flipped through her journal, once more, racing her hands through her self written words,

Something happened today, and believe me, it is taking me all my sanity to be able to handle it, have you ever been in a situation where you do not know what to do?

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