4: A What?

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*Hey all!! Sorry for the VERY loooong wait.  I took summer classes, so I got very busy with weekly quizzes and essays.  HOLY CRAP!! This story has over 500 reads and it only has like 3-4 chapters, so a big THANK YOU to all of you!!! So here is chapter 4 for you all!

*not edited*

I was starting to worry about my History paper that’s due in a couple of weeks, and I haven’t seen Elijah in awhile.  The other person I can go to for help is Damon, so it’s the Boarding House I go!  Hopefully, I won’t regret going over there since he doesn’t really like my brother that much.


I walked up to the door of the Boarding House, and knocked on the door.

“Oh look at that, the door makes different sounds.”

Time to be a door drummer! Bum budum dum du dum dum badubadum dum

“Okay! Okay! Enough! I heard you the first 200 knocks!” Damon shouted as he opened the door, “oh it’s you, one of the Lockwood twins.  What can I do for you, little Lockwood?”

“Aren’t you gonna invite me in?”

“Do I have too?” He said in his usual whiny voice, “is it VERY important?”

“Uh... Yes. I wouldn’t even bother coming here if it wasn’t.”

“You got a point there.”

“Soooo… can I come in?”

“Yeah, sure,” Damon said as he opened the door wider, “what do you need me for?”

“Okay, so I have a history paper I need to do for Mr. Saltzman and Elijah said he’s gonna help me but I can’t find him anywhere,” I said with exasperation, “so now I’m here asking for your help.  By the way, do you know where Elijah went?”

Damon went to his parlor, and then pointed at the couch for me to sit.

“First, what’s your paper about?” he said taking a sip of his bourbon, “second, I don’t know where he went.”

“First, it’s about the wars; World War one and two, Vietnam war, and even the war of Willow Creek,” I said copying his tone of voice, “second, I know you know where he is, you’re just not telling me.”

“What makes you say I’m lying to you, little Lockwood?”

“I can see it in your eyes.”

“Okay Ms. Psychic, I will help you but later as I have some business to attend to.”

“Alright then, do you promise?”

“Yes, I promise,” Damon held out his pinky, “let’s pinky promise it if that makes you feel better.”

“Yes, it does,” I said as we made the pinky promise.

“I’m gonna go now then. I was planning to skip school but you can’t help me right now anyways,” as I was walking towards the door I bumped into Elena trying to button her shirt, “hey Elena!”

“Oh Hey Gilian!”
“Bye Damon! See you at school, Elena,” I said as I waved to both of them.


Near my locker I saw Caroline and Matt talking while he was putting up posters, and me being the nosy one in the family, started eavesdropping in their conversation.

“Hey Matt!”


“Live band?”

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