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"But daaaaaaad!" I groan as I pack the car truck up with all my junk.

"I'm sorry Madison, but you need to get a job, and I found you one! now I believe the correct response is 'thank you', sugar" he only uses Madison in serious conversations, and boy, was this serious. my dad, my only parent, my BEST FRIEND, was shipping me up north for the summer to some stupid town and get some stupid job at a stupid place called the 'Mystery Shack'.

"Thank you. now can we get back to the fact that your sending me away for the WHOLE summer?! I can't go that long without talking to you!"

"You'll have your smartphone."

"But that's not enough! I'll miss you!" I nearly cried. I've never been away for so long, I couldn't take it. I buried my face in his warm jacket, shut myself out of the world, choked back my tears, and pretended I didn't exist.

"I'll come back in the middle of the summer to check in on you, heck I'm staying the 1st night in a hotel just to make sure your ready and ok!" I looked up in plead.

"Don't make me go" I whispered.

"Bud, this is hard for the both of us. but we have a long car trip ahead, so lets make the most of it, okay?"


We hopped in the car, and headed down the highway.

"Want some?" I held up a bag of sour cream and onion chips, our favorite.

He smirked, "of course, they're my favorite!" I handed him a few.

We turned on WNCI and my favorite song, 'All About That Bass' came on. my dad looked at me with concern, but I guess he doesn't care necessarily. he's been kind of laid back ever since mom died, but I guess he didn't want me to have a strict parent, so I don't run away.

Half way down the road I started to make a summer bucket list;

1. Have a paint war

2. Go on adventures

3. Make a friend

4. Make crafts

5. Sleep in a tree

I doubt I can do it all, but it would be worth trying, I guess. I just really wanna make a good friend, to hang out with all summer. all I know is that some old man name Stan runs the shack.

We slowly arrive to the sign that says 'welcome to gravity falls oregon'

"Wanna look around first pumpkin?"

"Ummmm, sure!"

We drove around for what seemed hours! everything was spaced out! The weirdest thing we've had to see was this, 'tent of telepathy'.

"Look dad! there's a muffin on top of that water tower!"

"Umm, I think that's suppose to be a giant explosion..."

"Hahahahaha!" We laughed together.

Finally, we made it to the mystery shack. it was some old, beat up shack, that looked abandoned for years.

"I have to WORK in THAT?" I cry

"There was no picture on the website." he stared.

"This is gonna be a loooonngggg summer."

We slowly get my stuff out of his trunk and walk up the shabby porch. I look back at the s that was in the yard. mystery hack! That had to be about the best part so far, cuz the rest, is pretty disappointing.

The stairs creaked and were wobbly as we walked up them to the door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

A tall man opened the door. he was wearing a black tux, and black shoes. he had grey hair and glasses but had an eyepatch over on of the lenses. the second he opened the door, he open his mouth and said:

Welcome to a world of mystery!

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